We seem to get our fair share of topics regarding Christianity (and I certainly do enjoy them), but I think Islam isn't subject to enough debate/discussion/criticism here on gamespot or an many other forums as well. People seem extra sensitive on the topic of Islam. there are some questions I would like to pose
1) Why is the criticism of Islam more taboo than the criticism of, say, Christianity?
Probably because there are more Muslims who defend their beliefs than Christians. You have people who are willing to blow themselves up in the name of religion. Muslims also work towards passing and enforcing laws that harmonize with the Sharia law. Islam is incorporated in every aspect of a Muslim's life. It's a way of life and not just a faith. The majority of people who follow other religions don't have a problem with secular laws putting in mind that there are devout Christians, Jews and other religious people. In Israel, which is not a secular state, Jewish citizens sue the government for forcing them to close down their stores on Saturday because it goes against teachings of Judaism. Countries which apply Sharia law to an extent, force people to close down their shops during Friday prayer. I don't see people complaining about it, Muslims and none Muslims alike.
2) Do you think that Islam receives too many free passes and too much preferential treatment?
No. The majority of Muslims take action in issues which concerns them as Muslims albeit some do take it to extremes. While the world is divided into theists and athiests, Muslims like to make sure that there's a room for religion in this world.
3) Do you think criticising Islam is too widely labeled as "politically incorrect" or "offensive?"
It depends. Critisizing by throwing accusations without any basis is both offensive and politically incorrect but critisizing to ask for clarfications and further elabortation is always welcomed. Discussions are always encouraged to bridge gaps between cultures and religions and bring people together.
4) why are many people still hesitant to even talk about Islam?
I don't think there are people who are hesitant to talk about Islam. Muslims do not threat to kill people if they critisize them. As I mentioned, although some react in a rather extreme manner when someone critisizes Islam but this kind of reaction is completey understandable when the person critisizing aims to offend a large number of people.
Rallies and threats are not exlusive traits of Muslims.
5) Do you think that much of criticism levied atIslam is justified/valid?
No. I'm not aware of any justified or valid criticism of Islam. People in the West have a very vague and distorted image about Islam and the Middle East as a whole.
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