You know what, it ANNOYS me. So yesterday a girl I know from school decides to randomply post on my wall saying we should kick it sometime. I say yeah and she asks what my schedule is like this weekend. So I invited her to go to a festival downtown. Anyways thats all cool and dandy she was sounding enthusiatic and so was I. so yesterday I contacted her with the details about when it started and she hasn't responded. This was yesterday at around 3 PM that I sent her the info, and its almost 6 PM today and no word from her. First thing is first, she initiated plans with me.
The thing is tomorrow and I still have no word on whether we're meeting or not. So as I was pondering why she hadn't bothered to shoot a simple message letting me know if we were on, I came upon a revelation that she's just trying to get attention. OR she and her friends are in on some big conspiracy against me and this was nothing more than a ploy fufilled by people in self denial swimming in a sea of red. See I am enlightened, so this wont trick me
And once I experience another revelation, I will act accordingly to seek out revenge. Anyways does it annoy you when people flake out?
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