I come to you with a question, I've been going out with my girlfriend for a little bit now, she's great and all but something keeps getting to me about her. She barely ever texts me first to start a conversation since we started going out. I always initiate conversations with her, I always have to call her up or text her first for a conversation to pop up. The only time she'd only contact me first hand is if we're in a fight, only then will she come to me to talk if I'm not saying anything. It would be nice to have her text me or call me first once in a while, but I guess I can live with things as it is since our phone calls and SMS conversations go by great and without a hitch. Hell I just got off like a near four hour phone call with her just now.
I've talked to her about it and she says that it's completely normal for girls to do what she's doing. I tell her no and that nearly every other girl I've been with either than her has always texted or called me first to initiate conversations. But anyways, to you guys or girls out here on OT, is it normal for the guy to do all the initiating?!?! Oh and she specifically told me to go on here to ask you guys, she thinks she's in the right so I'll be showing her your responses later on :D
Thanks for the response if you do respond haha.
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