You gotta do dorms for at least one semester.
That's different for every college. For example, my first college had no requirement for students to live on campus. My current university though requires first year and second year students to live in dorms. Your's requires students to live in dorms only for one semester. As you can see, the rules vary quite a bit.
Anyway, apartments can be cheaper depending on which college you go to and which apartments you're looking at. Keep in mind with apartments though you're not paying just rent, you also have to pay extra for utilities and gas. Also factor in where you're going to get furniture from (you could bring it from your house although your parents might want to keep everything. Also, it creates a massive pain in the ass having to move that much stuff back and forth).
I'd highly suggest living in a dorm for at least your first year. You'll meet people, you'll have easy access to study groups, you'll probably be near your classes which takes away the "I don't want to wait for the bus/drive/walk all the way to campus today" excuse for skipping class, and you'll probably be closer to campus which also makes it easier to attend campus events, meet up with friends, etc.
I've lived in both apartment style dorms and traditional sardine-can dorms before. The apartment style dorms are nice because you get your own private room and you get a bathroom that you share with one other person. So lots of privacy, comfortable living conditions, overall very good. The traditional dorms suck at first but you get used to them quickly, and they do have their benefits. Unlike apartment dorms where everybody is closed off from everyone else, in the traditional dorms are cool in that everybody is very communal. People leave their doors open, it's not uncommon to see kids walking the hallways in their underwear, and people are often out of their dorms. Communal bathrooms aren't that bad either. As far as showers go it's no worse than showering in a locker room (you probably get more privacy in the dorm really). The toilets can be bad though, I'm not gonna lie.
But yeah, do dorms even if they do suck. You won't get the whole college experience otherwise. As for me, I've always stayed in the dorms and never had an apartment. Everytime I try to get one with some other guys to cut down on cost everyone chickens out at the last second. Like this year I had four guys willing to look for an apartment. Then dorm room picks roll around and one jackass decides to play it safe and pick out his room thus locking him into a housing contract. After that one guy backs out, and the other guy is like "it's not worth it at this point". Ugh.
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