Hey guys, I'm taking part in a online contest and need all the help I can get to win. I made a 5 minute long video showing how I painted approximately 100 different characters using photoshop, painter and my wacom tablet. You can check it out here:http://www.sclipo.com/video/drawing-100-girls-monsters-etc-wacom-intuos-3To help me win the contest, just click under 'Rate this video'. I've been drawing since I was a kid, and the last few years I've been pursuing it as a career.. I still have a lot to learn though, but thats fine. Anyways, check out the video and lemme hear what you think of it.If anyone wonders, I've been a longtime lurker on the forums and used to have a gamespot premium membership back when they were giving out betakeys for world of warcraft.. ah the memories :P During that period I saw a steady decrease in my drawing skills, damn you molten core and 8 hour raids!Oh and if you wanna see how I painted my profile image, here is where you need to be:See how I painted Jack Sparrow, remember to vote for the video!I'd be grateful for votes and comments on that one too!
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