I need your help.
As you may know, Im into games, that's why I want to persue my career in game designing.
Now I've said that I wanted to go to the following collegec/universities...
Cal Poly Pomona
DeVry University Pomona
The thing that I recently found is that Cal Poly doesnt have any programs that I want (game Design, programming, animation, etc...)
And DeVry is a technical/trade school, and is only for associate degree, me thinks. Although they have what I want which is Game Desgin and Simmulation, I've heard that it'll be hard for you to get a job once you complete the 4 year terms..I dont know, but my older brother and mother said not to go there because it's just like ITT. I mean trade school like these teaches you yeah, but when it comes to hands-on learning, and actually doing it, you'll get fired faster than you can say abracadabra.
So I ask you, what other colleges, universities out there should I 'check' out that has majors, programs in anything related to creating games?
What I really want to do after HS is really start making games. Im more like a game visionare where I create the story, what needs to be on the game, etc...
Can I go straight to Microsoft, Sony, and gaming firms like EA, Ubisoft, after HS?
This is what I really want. I know that not many people actually get employed because the skills necessary for this is high or something, I know that, but the thing about me is that I dont give a rats ass. I WILL make great games, I WILL someday work for Microsoft, and become president of MGS, or work or Sony Entertainment, EA, Ubisoft, even Bungie, or start my own team. I know what your saying, but this is my goal. There is nothing else that I want to do or be. I already have an idea for a game that will sure to be in par with Halo, or close to being that good, and I've been trying to contact Microsoft and Sony to see if they're interested...but no luck so far...which is really frustrating because this game WILL sell!
So I ask you, what other colleges/universities can I attend?
Can I instead work for Microsoft, Sony, EA, Pandemic, Ubisoft right after HS?
Is there any gaming co., firms nearby my place?
I live in Colton, California.
BTW, if you know anyway of contacting Shane Kim who is the Vice president of MGS (Microsoft Game Studios)? or anyone from Sony, EA, Ubisoft, Bungie, pandemic???Please, I WOULD really appreciate it.
Help me, and someday, when I have reached my dream, I will find a way to repay you.
Thank you
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