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just picked her up at her house....started backing up out of her driveway...and smashed into a stone wall....went foward again, reversed again....smashed into a stone wall....
[QUOTE="DJ-PRIME90"]Ignore them as they stared at me:?jmorey01
That's not dumb, that just makes them want you more.
(Some women.)
Stop ignoring me ignoring you.:lol:[QUOTE="Heydanbud92"]I threw up all over my desk in french class, and there were some pretty hot girls in that class...
I tried to play it off by saying i was drunk the night before, oh man it was bad lol.
Holy crap I puked in a French class too!!! Except I held it in my mouth and had chimpmunk cheeks for 20mins.
That's hilarious and disturbing in at least ten different ways.
I've told this story before in a similar thread, but i'll say it again for the funnies. :P
Short version: me and my buddies went travelling for a couple of months after high school. At one point we were low on cash so stayed in a hotel with two bedrooms (there were six of us). Anyway, being teenagers we were naturally lazy, and after four of five days the place was incredibly messy with clothes all over the place. When we were packing our stuff up i couldn't find the other sock out of a pair, so i was basically walking around the room picking up articles of clothing and tossing them behind me, looking for the sock.
I had one friend who was crazy-hot, and we were kinda in that stage where you both dig each other but aren't sure if you want to go out with each other. Anywho, she walks out of the bathroom and i'm kneeling on the floor holding some random piece of clothing, and she basically stares at me with a "WTF....?" expression. I stare back like "what?" After about 10 seconds of awkward staring i realise i'm kneeling there, holding her underwear with both hands, dangerously close to my face. In other words, from her perspective, she basically walked in on me smelling her panties/knickers (depending on your location) like a crazy stalker person.
And that's not even the most embarrassing thing that's happened to me.
That is awesome! You should write a rom-com about your life.
I talked about shock videos like BME Pain Olympics, 2 girls 1 cup and others, including man having sex with a crab (which I found out about on these forums) to a mate and we are like 2 of the 5 boys in our class of 28, and pretty much every girl heard me talking about them and were really creeped out by it.
This isnt me but I know a guy who liked this hot chick. So he tried to get with her by being friends and stuff, and she didnt like him that way but he liked her. In science he sat next to her, and started feeling her leg. She looked down and said "what the ****?!" and hes like " oh... your leg is smooth" I was sitting near them with my mate and we started pissing ourselves laughing
[QUOTE="Mkavanaugh77"]The stupidest things i do infront of girls would involve drinking.Krigen89
Wow, just wow. My best moments with wome pretty mcuh all involved alcohol, at a degree or another. And not necessarly sexually.
Men are different. Oh my god. Stereotypes I shine the light on thee!
No...just kidding...I love my wife and I'm the luckiest man alive....when she lets me be.
Theres this really hot girl in my school. I'm always chatting her up or making her laugh. So i was talking to one day, and was just about to ask her out, until i got an erection. My boxers had a massive whole through them and my trousers zip was undone!!! So as i was talking to her she looked down and saw my erection just hanging out!!! Ive never talked to her since.batboy113
lulz, hopefully she was impressed
[QUOTE="batboy113"]Theres this really hot girl in my school. I'm always chatting her up or making her laugh. So i was talking to one day, and was just about to ask her out, until i got an erection. My boxers had a massive whole through them and my trousers zip was undone!!! So as i was talking to her she looked down and saw my erection just hanging out!!! Ive never talked to her since.Dantes_Monkey
lulz, hopefully she was impressed
Well she keeps giving me some wierd looksI missed 2 lay-ups in a row in 7th grade (so no biggie, but crushing at the time)
I've done the accidental spit thing many times, as have everyone whether they notice it or not, but mine was sunday night (lol, I had a fair bit to drink and so I had some strong saliva goin, but at least it was on my friends GF, not mine :lol: )
This girl I like and I were at the store getting some supplies to make cookies back at her house, and she pondered why people would buy the cloth bags because you can't fit much in them. I responded, "I don't know, I think you'd be surprised by how much you can fit in tight spaces." Then I realized what I had said and just kinda went, "Wow, so that's an awkward thing to accidentally say."
It was.
Theres this really hot girl in my school. I'm always chatting her up or making her laugh. So i was talking to one day, and was just about to ask her out, until i got an erection. My boxers had a massive whole through them and my trousers zip was undone!!! So as i was talking to her she looked down and saw my erection just hanging out!!! Ive never talked to her since.batboy113
Epiz lulz, that's totally sig worthy. Thanks for making my blunders seem so meaningless next to your "physical compliment" to the girl.
[QUOTE="Dantes_Monkey"][QUOTE="batboy113"]Theres this really hot girl in my school. I'm always chatting her up or making her laugh. So i was talking to one day, and was just about to ask her out, until i got an erection. My boxers had a massive whole through them and my trousers zip was undone!!! So as i was talking to her she looked down and saw my erection just hanging out!!! Ive never talked to her since.batboy113
lulz, hopefully she was impressed
Well she keeps giving me some wierd looksTheres this really hot girl in my school. I'm always chatting her up or making her laugh. So i was talking to one day, and was just about to ask her out, until i got an erection. My boxers had a massive whole through them and my trousers zip was undone!!! So as i was talking to her she looked down and saw my erection just hanging out!!! Ive never talked to her since.batboy113
This story is just full of coincidences.
Killed someone but she forgave me so it was all goodMoo-Moo-Milk
Child, your sins are forgiven. Remember that I will always love you.
[QUOTE="batboy113"]Theres this really hot girl in my school. I'm always chatting her up or making her laugh. So i was talking to one day, and was just about to ask her out, until i got an erection. My boxers had a massive whole through them and my trousers zip was undone!!! So as i was talking to her she looked down and saw my erection just hanging out!!! Ive never talked to her since.YourOldFriend
talk about sexual tension xD
Epiz lulz, that's totally sig worthy. Thanks for making my blunders seem so meaningless next to your "physical compliment" to the girl.
Theres this really hot girl in my school. I'm always chatting her up or making her laugh. So i was talking to one day, and was just about to ask her out, until i got an erection. My boxers had a massive whole through them and my trousers zip was undone!!! So as i was talking to her she looked down and saw my erection just hanging out!!! Ive never talked to her since.batboy113
lmao ... dumbest thing ive done was probably accidental spit and crap..
Taunted a friend in the locker room by showing him my testies while 3 chicks walked in thinking that no-one was in the room.astiop
shouldn't bother you too much what with you being gay and all. (jokes, i don't care what your orientation is)
[QUOTE="courtneyygee"]um I don't know, considering I am a girl...maybe given in to kissing them.wemhimTgat's not stupid, it's normal.
it was my best friend at the time, and we didn't talk for a year after that.
Tgat's not stupid, it's normal.[QUOTE="wemhim"][QUOTE="courtneyygee"]um I don't know, considering I am a girl...maybe given in to kissing them.courtneyygee
it was my best friend at the time, and we didn't talk for a year after that.
Meh, nothing wrong with it... No reason to ignore each other. Sexuality is about bringing people together, not tearing them apart.[QUOTE="courtneyygee"]Tgat's not stupid, it's normal.[QUOTE="wemhim"][QUOTE="courtneyygee"]um I don't know, considering I am a girl...maybe given in to kissing them.wemhim
it was my best friend at the time, and we didn't talk for a year after that.
Meh, nothing wrong with it... No reason to ignore each other. Sexuality is about bringing people together, not tearing them apart.It was a time of experimenting. Personally, I am glad I am not friends with her anymore. She is and always will be a Dbag.
[QUOTE="wemhim"][QUOTE="courtneyygee"]Tgat's not stupid, it's normal.[QUOTE="wemhim"][QUOTE="courtneyygee"]um I don't know, considering I am a girl...maybe given in to kissing them.courtneyygee
it was my best friend at the time, and we didn't talk for a year after that.
Meh, nothing wrong with it... No reason to ignore each other. Sexuality is about bringing people together, not tearing them apart.It was a time of experimenting. Personally, I am glad I am not friends with her anymore. She is and always will be a Dbag.
Well, in that case, that's good.Back in High School during a passing period I was walking through the VERY crowded hallways to get to my next class, on the way there I saw my girlfriend so I attempted to hug her amongst the mass of people. I hugged...pulled away....and it wasn't my girlfriend.
That was an akward moment for all three of us...
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