Yeah, that greedy 40% with all their wealth. They must have like, what, at least a quarter in the wealth in the country right?
Oh no wait, they actually control 1% of it combined
Interestingly the only place the bottom 40% show up is when looking at debt. There the bottom 90% hold 75% of the country's debt, the next 9% hold 20% of the debt, and the remaining one percent hold 5% of the debt
But yeah, let's make the people who LITERALLY HAVE NO WEALTH pay just as much in taxes as the people WHO HAVE ALL THE WEALTH.
My sources btw. You should read them, there's a lot more that I didn't bother going into.
I don't know how that has anything to do with me paying taxes while a huge chunk doesn't.
40% of the country controls 0% of the wealth. Hence why they pay 0% of the taxes.20% of the country controls 80% of the wealth. Hence why they pay taxes.
Does it make sense now? I really can't figure out how to dumb this down any more than I already have.
Yeah, and I pay more taxes. Unless you FORCE businesses to pay more to their employees or have the state controls the businesses to distribute the wealth, I'll still be paying the taxes and people will still not be paying the taxes adn they'll want more social welfare benifits.
The ideas that most people have put forward to distribute the wealth bascially tax our rich and corproations into oblivion and make them unable to compete.
You want to redistribute the wealth we get that. How would you do that? By taxing everything to oblivion? By stopping people from making money by putting up salary caps? By drastically increasing the minimum wage?
There are 6+ million companies in America that pay employees. Whatever you do on a business level effects them all. You could permanently ruin small business with good intentions.
I'm all for closing tax loopholes and stopping some of the major companies from not paying taxes, but that isn't redistributing the wealth at all.
There is also a difference between our version of poverty and the rest of the world. Our version includes vacations, TV, cars, housing, clean water, food, warmth, air condition, nice clothing, cellphones, internet... Not saying that everybody living in poverty has these things, but as a consumerist society we don't view poverty like we should. There is a difference between somebody being able to not feed themselves and somebody who can't afford the latest iPhone because they don't have enough money.
Our distribution of wealth sucks in this country becasue since the 80s the amount of wealth our country has made has been exponentially higher than before. Wages have stagnated because cost of living has stagnated over the past 30 years and is only now, in this crappy economy, starting to go back up. Thus people are now seeing the effects of having to low of wages for standard of living.
The real problems is that we've been taught that we can live outside of our means. People getting into massive debt over nothing and then getting into a lot of trouble because of that. Why do we import more than we export? Simply because people feel the need that stuff = wealth. Why did our housing market crash? Prices were inflated with all of the people buying houses way out of their means. Part of the problem was the banks lending them the stupidly high amount of money then using that for crap investments and the other factor was people were getting houses outside fo their means. They flooded the market with cash and prices went up. Now that burst and housing prices are coming back down to where they should have been all along. This all is because people during the 80s, 90s, and 2000s all decided that living on credit and having stuff is the way to live. Blend in the deregulation of banks and that spelled economic nightmare for everybody else.
Of course that system wasn't going to surive and it's falling. However a redistribution of the wealth isn't the solution like people make it out to be. Insta redistribution would hike inflation to levels unseen and make our dollar worthless in the market.
What we need to do is to continue to teach people to stop living out of their means as well as stop businesses from screwing over their employees and getting out of taxes. If everybody contributed their share things would be different. We still have a problem with the ability to easily export low-income jobs to china, so we need to take a look at what to do about forgien investments.
All people have been doing is pointing to the rich and saying it is their fault. This damn blame culture is causing us more harm than our own selfish and wasteful ways. People need to learn to accept responsibity for their actions on ALL levels. CEOs who run their comapny to the ground shouldn't be getting massive bonsues and an 18 year old with a 12k credit card limit should think of it as free money. Everybody is equally responsible for the mess we have. The solution isn't to pin it on a small group and use them as a scape goat while you parade around making terrible decisions.
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