When they said western socialism was like a Utopia, I thought they were lying. I've changed my mind now. I hear they do negative mortgage rates at Denmark! Wow, talk about getting paid to buy a home!
Scale 1-10, how mad are you?
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When they said western socialism was like a Utopia, I thought they were lying. I've changed my mind now. I hear they do negative mortgage rates at Denmark! Wow, talk about getting paid to buy a home!
Scale 1-10, how mad are you?
Negative interest rates are the result of the deflation of currency and indicative of a failing economy.
So, he wasted all that money for his girlfriend, yet their trip was like a honeymoon and they're not married? Talk about wasting your future
How could he spend that much money on a Thailand trip? I've been to south-east Asia a bunch of times and it's cheap as hell. It's like max 800 $ a month with superfluous activites included.
.Now, if he can survive and finish his education without the money, he's got the right to spend it as he please.
How could he spend that much money on a Thailand trip? I've been to south-east Asia a bunch of times and it's cheap as hell. It's like max 800 $ a month with superfluous activites included.
.Now, if he can survive and finish his education without the money, he's got the right to spend it as he please.
I can't say i'm mad, it is his money, and his future, his decision. I mean your only young once, and i have to say, that looked like a life time event which will never be forgotten. You could be like me and my wife, who have gotten jobs right after school, and then as i worked to support my wife, she continued college, and we had kids starting at age 20, so its been a hard working road. We had to save money for a long time to finally have a good vacation. It took almost 15 years before we started to make real $$. So when i see a young couple doing something out of the ordinary, and yeah, it looked like fun. I say they just need to work and pay up, it should not be a prob. I mean its not that much money really.
This is nothing new, sadly. Kids I went to HS with and many others I've know throughout the years have wasted that money on things like that. I could never go to college due to having to support my mom financially even before I finished HS. It enrages me to see money that is meant for education being wasted on BS.
I'd like to see supporters of free education defend this.
Feel the Bern when you pay for this with you taxes.
I better let this guy have a few lousy bucks for his girlfriend then some greedy pedo grandpa stashing it in his filthy stash to buy soldiers and prostitutes ...
I am so priviliged, I never got money from the goverment, I even wasted half of my own life to ensure my dear parents dont need to suffer when they become dement ... and then when you have given everything for other people and are left with only memories of your own good deeds, you realise having nothing isnt something that shows people how awesome and altruistic you have been, no they really believe because one has nothing he has been lazy and worthless ... now isnt that fascistic?
Don't care.
One person did this, maybe a dozen, maybe a hundred. Still not enough to be indicative of how things really are. Just fuel for pointless fires of stupid "capitalists" that don't know what's good for them.
That video is also pretty terrible, looks like propaganda. So yeah, your school gave you 2500 dollars in aid...how much did the right-wing interest group pay you? Nice camera-equipped drone, by the way...school pay for that, too?
there's worse ways our tax dollars are being wasted by big industries, how about the countless billions tax payers pay out to subsidize the substandard wages of big businesses like Walmart or McDonald's through social security programs and food stamps and housing assistance... prioritize your outrage
anyhow make college free this shit wouldn't happen
also, he's still in debt as far as I see it, just like banks and CC companies that borrow from the fed at a set interest rate, then transfer that debt to customers that pay a higher interest and fees to make them money, the student loan business is no different, they're all taking money from the same people, passing the debt onto the same people, what's it matter what mechanism it goes by?
Hope it was worth it when the time to pay that shit comes back, and that girl who used his ass for a vacation is long gone. I'm not sweating it though. He spends his money like a fool, and will have to pay it back, unlike major corporations who get billions in tax incentives every single year, despite paying no federal taxes. Those are the people wasting my money.
Like others have said this isn't indicative of the whole, anyone who does something like this is only hurting themselves in the long run, and I'd be more upset about the corruption, greed, and wastefulness of the big banks and corporations.
The school gave him $2500 for books and supplies? What? Why? What kind of school does he go to? That's completely ridiculous. Even if I bought all of the books my classes recommended I wouldn't even end up over $1000, much less $2500.
And here we have the average Bernie supporter.
Dat anecdotal evidence
It's true though, Bernie is obviously trying to cater to college students and the overall younger demographics with free college.
And here we have the average Bernie supporter.
Dat anecdotal evidence
It's true though, Bernie is obviously trying to cater to college students and the overall younger demographics with free college.
I mean what good has education ever done?
>One person uses it for a holiday
>Thus they all will
That's one quality slippery slope
I mean what good has education ever done?
>One person uses it for a holiday
>Thus they all will
That's one quality slippery slope
My intention wasn't to say that education isn't a good thing. Nothing is wrong with education as you're learning what you're studying for and not trying to learn or try to study stuff that's a joke like women's studies.
Allow me to justify what I said, yes one person did use it for a particular holiday therefore I say the moron is most likely a Bernie supporter since he obviously doesn't know how to manage his money so it would only make sense for him to think free college would be beneficial for him therefore Bernie. And like I mentioned before, Bernie is trying to rile up the college kids and younger folks (if they even can) to vote for him and stand by his side by again, things like free college so it would only be natural for them to gain his support.
Granted, I would like to exclude myself considering that I'm a college student myself that does not support him nor any other presidential candidate for that matter.
I better let this guy have a few lousy bucks for his girlfriend then some greedy pedo grandpa stashing it in his filthy stash to buy soldiers and prostitutes ...
I am so priviliged, I never got money from the goverment, I even wasted half of my own life to ensure my dear parents dont need to suffer when they become dement ... and then when you have given everything for other people and are left with only memories of your own good deeds, you realise having nothing isnt something that shows people how awesome and altruistic you have been, no they really believe because one has nothing he has been lazy and worthless ... now isnt that fascistic?
Soooo much irony in this post.
This all looks like some marketing video. I have my doubts that it's real.
i was thinking the same thing... some of the production is a little too good. lots of ass shots too :P he's got freaking drone shots and stuff in there with no other people around.
did the thailand board of tourism put this together?
Libertarians would be standing behind this guy saying that this was his personal choice and that he should have the right to make. Not only that, but people are smart enough to choose what is right for themselves.
At first I was angry, then I saw a babe in panties and forgot what I was even mad at.
Anyways, someone else mentioned it above but I have my doubts this is even legit...seems very well produced for just some college dude to put together for a random trip.
@ianhh6: Everyone knows that if one person does something like this that everyone else will do the same thing.
I mean if we gave @Gaming-Planet: support money for college he would now immediately use it to go to Thailand.
At first I was angry, then I saw a babe in panties and forgot what I was even mad at.
Anyways, someone else mentioned it above but I have my doubts this is even legit...seems very well produced for just some college dude to put together for a random trip.
Well i wasn't the only one that noticed, it was well produced, and if he is that good he's going places. The point about the panties, you do realize he didn't have to travel to see that. He can just stay at home and see the same thing, he is already her boyfriend.
@ianhh6: Everyone knows that if one person does something like this that everyone else will do the same thing.
I mean if we gave @Gaming-Planet: support money for college he would now immediately use it to go to Thailand.
You honestly don't believe that is how I think, do you? That wasn't the implication of my thread that all students are like him.
@ianhh6: Everyone knows that if one person does something like this that everyone else will do the same thing.
I mean if we gave @Gaming-Planet: support money for college he would now immediately use it to go to Thailand.
You honestly don't believe that is how I think, do you? That wasn't the implication of my thread that all students are like him.
It's difficult to tell sometimes on this forum. There are so many people who deride millenials as entitled or "social justice warriors" and poor people who dare use any tax dollars to afford themselves any sort of luxury (be it a relatively inexpensive trip or perhaps nothing more than a lobster at a supermarket, hell I've seen people upset about brand name cereal being bought) that it honestly begins to all sound like hatred of the poor using money allocated to them the way they see fit.
Stories like this where a college kid takes his girlfriend on a vacation with student loan money? People eat that shit up and demand less money be given to entitled brats. For the record, as others have stated, this looks very well produced to the point where I don't know how some of those shots were taken without a helicopter involved. But lets say it's real and this guy took the opportunity to give the love of his life a an experience she will never forget. Who's to say this was the wrong choice? We don't know their backstory, maybe it was their only chance in life ever do such a thing and it made them better people at the end because of it. Hell lets say they were worse people, why is that a reason to screw over the vast majority of people using the money given to them as it was originally intended?
@ianhh6: Everyone knows that if one person does something like this that everyone else will do the same thing.
I mean if we gave @Gaming-Planet: support money for college he would now immediately use it to go to Thailand.
You honestly don't believe that is how I think, do you? That wasn't the implication of my thread that all students are like him.
It's difficult to tell sometimes on this forum. There are so many people who deride millenials as entitled or "social justice warriors" and poor people who dare use any tax dollars to afford themselves any sort of luxury (be it a relatively inexpensive trip or perhaps nothing more than a lobster at a supermarket, hell I've seen people upset about brand name cereal being bought) that it honestly begins to all sound like hatred of the poor using money allocated to them the way they see fit.
Stories like this where a college kid takes his girlfriend on a vacation with student loan money? People eat that shit up and demand less money be given to entitled brats. For the record, as others have stated, this looks very well produced to the point where I don't know how some of those shots were taken without a helicopter involved. But lets say it's real and this guy took the opportunity to give the love of his life a an experience she will never forget. Who's to say this was the wrong choice? We don't know their backstory, maybe it was their only chance in life ever do such a thing and it made them better people at the end because of it. Hell lets say they were worse people, why is that a reason to screw over the vast majority of people using the money given to them as it was originally intended?
Psst... I'm a millennial too. SJW's are a vocal minority if you look at statistics and surveys on ideologies.
He only used the 2.5k for the trip. Everything else he saved and worked for. They were able to afford a lot by doing research, like groupons and hotel deals. He's a film major. He could still get audited for his misuse of financial aid. Still not something he should go out and brag and encourage. That's where the saying goes, "this is why we can't have nice things."
FA has given me $2500 for school, but guess fucking what? I rarely ever get anything left over because it all goes to paying for the class. The materials and such I've always had to pay myself.
if i take 4 classes, I still have to pay out of pocket because the total for the 4 classes is usually over $2500.
This guy get $2500 of left over leisure money after they paid for his classes?
He has to pay that money back.
Who cares?
if it was a loan, then yes, but Financial Aid for the most part are government grants for people of low economic standings to be able to go to public colleges (typically community colleges). You dont pay those at all.
I get $5,000 a year but they also offer me another $13,000. Thats other 13k are loans, so I dont take them. The 5k is the government assistance.
the 5k gets split in half and go to the fall and spring semesters (2500 each semester, no summer). I pick my classes for that semester and the total usually for 3-4 classes is between $2,000 and $2,900. Since I have $2,500 given to me, I can either walk away with $500 pocket money (which will go to materials, and nonsense fees) or I could walk away owing $400 for my classes that i then have to pay for myself and then hope that the books and materials for that semester arent expensive because I'll have to pay for that myself.
I may sound like a lil bitch complaining about having to pay for things myself, but Im very fucking aware im good damn lucky.
Im conflicted because I hate government assistance and the "free" money aspects that have this society crippling but at the same time these schools systems are fucking corruption and why is school a fucking business?
He has to pay that money back.
Who cares?
if it was a loan, then yes, but Financial Aid for the most part are government grants for people of low economic standings to be able to go to public colleges (typically community colleges). You dont pay those at all.
I get $5,000 a year but they also offer me another $13,000. Thats other 13k are loans, so I dont take them. The 5k is the government assistance.
the 5k gets split in half and go to the fall and spring semesters (2500 each semester, no summer). I pick my classes for that semester and the total usually for 3-4 classes is between $2,000 and $2,900. Since I have $2,500 given to me, I can either walk away with $500 pocket money (which will go to materials, and nonsense fees) or I could walk away owing $400 for my classes that i then have to pay for myself and then hope that the books and materials for that semester arent expensive because I'll have to pay for that myself.
I may sound like a lil bitch complaining about having to pay for things myself, but Im very fucking aware im good damn lucky.
Im conflicted because I hate government assistance and the "free" money aspects that have this society crippling but at the same time these schools systems are fucking corruption and why is school a fucking business?
While Financial Aid can encompass all forms of Compensation, most typically it comes in the form of Student Loans.
If this kid went to Aruba or wherever on his Financial Aid, he is not going to Community College.
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