There have been a few times when I was so absorbed in the charactes and story in a film that when it ends I want more. Not many films have done this, they must really interest me in a more personal way for me to want to see more. These are the few that I can remember though:)
1. Let the right one in- I know you guys are probably tired of me mentioning this film, but for some reason this more than most films was one I found absorbing in a very unique way. Maybe it is the story and characters I connect to more since I certain parts of the film remind me of events that happened to me as a kid, or maybe it's the way the two main characters are developed in such a beautiful yet haunting way. The ending especially I found almost bittersweet in how tragic and sad it was, thinking about all the stuff that the characters experience I felt almost sad when it ended how it did in a sweet yet strangely sad and depressing way. It could also be how even though the main vampire girl Eli seems like a very mature girl since she pretty much lives by herself for alot of the film and kills to survive, she remains innocent and childlike when it comes to her relationship with the boy Oskar. The scenes where their relationship is shown as being one of such sweetness and innocence and how they both need each other, its so sad when you realize that their relationship can never last and how most of the people in Oskar's world either neglect him or hate him.
They both find solace, tranquility and tenderness in each others company, him because of his lack of friends and love, and her because of how lonely she is living in the shadows and killing to stay alive. Putting aside all hints of malice that think of when they see how the girl Eli seems to use Oskar, this is one of the most beautiful stories I have ever seen on film. It speaks to all of us who thought that the world didn't understand us as children, our childhood crushes, and dreams. The saddest part of this film is that no matter what happens and no matter how you think, the girl Eli will stay the same age while Oskar grows old and eventually he will move on and die while she stays the same. Whoever she meets, it doesnt matter because they will all die eventually. Just think about how lonesome and depressing that is, to never live a normal life or find true happiness.. Whatever the reason is, it sure has helped me write my own vampire story:). It's such a shame that this film isn't in more theaters and that Twilight makes millions. If this was to get nominated for some kind of Oscar, I would love to meet the director and if possible even the cast.
2. Back to the future series- On a lighter note, this was the most fun I ever had watching a film series and when it ended I just felt like watching them again.
3. Amelie- This film will make anyone smile, if you dont then you have no soul. This always puts me in a good mood, so for that alone I think it has achieved something.
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