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I know one thing that is happening... puppies are getting thrown off cliffs...
But on a serious note... I am pro-war... I just think we should reduce the troop count... the Iraqi Army of 100,000+ troops can more than handle itself if it gets past religion(Shia and Sunni in the same army)... I don't think we need 165,000 troops in Iraq... I am not saying we should pull out completely and leave Iraq down crap's creek without a paddle... I just am tired of turning on the news and seeing another local soldier is dead because of an IED... 95%+ of the US soldiers killed in Iraq have been killed out of combat by IEDs and traps... It is annoying that we invaded and completely destroyed the 200,000 strong Iraqi Army under Sadam with no casualties... but have lost 3,000+ troops after that to things like a howitzer shell in the back of an old car...
I just think we need an advisor force to continue to work with the Iraqi Army and government... A small peace keeping force to monitor the country while the Iraqi Army gets its feet on the ground... and a small marine force to watch our Embassy... just like every other country in the world...
I do agree with that. My brother is one of those 165,000, and I would sure love to see him home soon.I know one thing that is happening... puppies are getting thrown off cliffs...
But on a serious note... I am pro-war... I just think we should reduce the troop count... the Iraqi Army of 100,000+ troops can more than handle itself if it gets past religion(Shia and Sunni in the same army)... I don't think we need 165,000 troops in Iraq... I am not saying we should pull out completely and leave Iraq down crap's creek without a paddle... I just am tired of turning on the news and seeing another local soldier is dead because of an IED... 95%+ of the US soldiers killed in Iraq have been killed out of combat by IEDs and traps... It is annoying that we invaded and completely destroyed the 200,000 strong Iraqi Army under Sadam with no casualties... but have lost 3,000+ troops after that to things like a howitzer shell in the back of an old car...
I just think we need an advisor force to continue to work with the Iraqi Army and government... A small peace keeping force to monitor the country while the Iraqi Army gets its feet on the ground... and a small marine force to watch our Embassy... just like every other country in the world...
How many of you have read a page of literature about the war? None of you right? You only listen to what the democratic media tells you. You guys have no idea what is happening over there. So please, stop blathering on about stuff you don't have a clue about.monkeytoes61
What is this 'democratic media' you speak of. Is it everything other than Fox News and conservative radio? I'm just asking, cause I heard Bill-O yelling about how CNN is a loony far left station, and I couldn't disagree more.
[QUOTE="monkeytoes61"]How many of you have read a page of literature about the war? None of you right? You only listen to what the democratic media tells you. You guys have no idea what is happening over there. So please, stop blathering on about stuff you don't have a clue about.kdt55
What is this 'democratic media' you speak of. Is it everything other than Fox News and conservative radio? I'm just asking, cause I heard Bill-O yelling about how CNN is a loony far left station, and I couldn't disagree more.
Pretty much all media is controlled by the demicrats. Don't you wonder why you only hear about the Iraq war if someone dies?[QUOTE="kdt55"][QUOTE="monkeytoes61"]How many of you have read a page of literature about the war? None of you right? You only listen to what the democratic media tells you. You guys have no idea what is happening over there. So please, stop blathering on about stuff you don't have a clue about.monkeytoes61
What is this 'democratic media' you speak of. Is it everything other than Fox News and conservative radio? I'm just asking, cause I heard Bill-O yelling about how CNN is a loony far left station, and I couldn't disagree more.
Pretty much all media is controlled by the demicrats. Don't you wonder why you only hear about the Iraq war if someone dies?I bet i know much more than you and im against it. People dont have to know whats happening there to be for it or against it. Many were against it from the begining.freshgman
No they weren't... Congress first had to give permission to send troops to Iraq, and for that they had to have the backing of the people who elected them (the people of their State) and they passed it with flying colors... I think it was 89% of congress voted for the war...
Some people are just stupid... Do you remember the lady who camped outside of Bush's ranch in Texas...? She sat out there for a week to ask Bush why her son died in Iraq... I know it is hard loosing someone because I have lost family... But her son was only 17... which means that not only did he need to get special permission to join the Army, he had to have parental concent... and since his father was dead... that means his mother went to the recruitment office and signed the waver to allow him to join... and then she complains when her son (a soldier) gets killed fighting in a war... All of you are fine with it until you change your mind... then it is horrible and we are there just for oil and we execute civilians and murder children daily...
How many of you have read a page of literature about the war? None of you right? You only listen to what the democratic media tells you. You guys have no idea what is happening over there. So please, stop blathering on about stuff you don't have a clue about.monkeytoes61 so you bash people who form their own opinion and say we have no idea. blame us for listening to the democratic media. what about the followers of the far right fear mongering propoganda (sp) machine? and also, dont blame us if we have no idea. you clearly stated that we are listening to what the news tells us. so if they are giving us wrong and falsified information, please attack them. they are the messenger, not us.
[QUOTE="monkeytoes61"][QUOTE="kdt55"][QUOTE="monkeytoes61"]How many of you have read a page of literature about the war? None of you right? You only listen to what the democratic media tells you. You guys have no idea what is happening over there. So please, stop blathering on about stuff you don't have a clue about.Tiefster
What is this 'democratic media' you speak of. Is it everything other than Fox News and conservative radio? I'm just asking, cause I heard Bill-O yelling about how CNN is a loony far left station, and I couldn't disagree more.
Pretty much all media is controlled by the demicrats. Don't you wonder why you only hear about the Iraq war if someone dies?lol, I think OP should follow his own advices and read some books, someday....
How many of you have read a page of literature about the war? None of you right? You only listen to what the democratic media tells you. You guys have no idea what is happening over there. So please, stop blathering on about stuff you don't have a clue about.monkeytoes61
this thread just comes off really whinny and pointless.
How many of you have read a page of literature about the war? None of you right? You only listen to what the democratic media tells you. You guys have no idea what is happening over there. So please, stop blathering on about stuff you don't have a clue about.monkeytoes61
Im so sorry about anything i have ever said about the war, your knowledge is obviously far superior.
PS. its not called literature
[QUOTE="kdt55"][QUOTE="monkeytoes61"]How many of you have read a page of literature about the war? None of you right? You only listen to what the democratic media tells you. You guys have no idea what is happening over there. So please, stop blathering on about stuff you don't have a clue about.monkeytoes61
What is this 'democratic media' you speak of. Is it everything other than Fox News and conservative radio? I'm just asking, cause I heard Bill-O yelling about how CNN is a loony far left station, and I couldn't disagree more.
Pretty much all media is controlled by the demicrats. Don't you wonder why you only hear about the Iraq war if someone dies?I think we should send as many troops as possible, so we can get finished quicker. But thats just me..I know one thing that is happening... puppies are getting thrown off cliffs...
But on a serious note... I am pro-war... I just think we should reduce the troop count... the Iraqi Army of 100,000+ troops can more than handle itself if it gets past religion(Shia and Sunni in the same army)... I don't think we need 165,000 troops in Iraq... I am not saying we should pull out completely and leave Iraq down crap's creek without a paddle... I just am tired of turning on the news and seeing another local soldier is dead because of an IED... 95%+ of the US soldiers killed in Iraq have been killed out of combat by IEDs and traps... It is annoying that we invaded and completely destroyed the 200,000 strong Iraqi Army under Sadam with no casualties... but have lost 3,000+ troops after that to things like a howitzer shell in the back of an old car...
I just think we need an advisor force to continue to work with the Iraqi Army and government... A small peace keeping force to monitor the country while the Iraqi Army gets its feet on the ground... and a small marine force to watch our Embassy... just like every other country in the world...
[QUOTE="MattUD1"]Fox News is also democratically controlled? jointed
Nope, even's under commie control.
Don't you mean fascist?
[QUOTE="jointed"][QUOTE="MattUD1"]Fox News is also democratically controlled? Aidenfury19
Nope, even's under commie control.
Don't you mean fascist?
Sorry but common sense isn't welcomed in this thread...
The liberal media myth, lovely. So where would you suggest I read, Aidenfury19
If you want unbiased, go to conservapedia!
Anyway, I really don't care if we're "winning" the war in Iraq or not...if you win a stupid war(which, honestly, we'll never be able to do anyway), it's still a stupid war.
[QUOTE="Aidenfury19"]The liberal media myth, lovely. So where would you suggest I read, JML897
If you want unbiased, go to conservapedia!
Anyway, I really don't care if we're "winning" the war in Iraq or not...if you win a stupid war(which, honestly, we'll never be able to do anyway), it's still a stupid war.
I think the big problem is that nobody knows what victory is anymore, or what the implications of "defeat" really are. You'd think if we were trying to "win" something, we'd have explicitly defined what victory is. Counter-insurgency and nation-building are just completely devoid of absolutism. Hopefully, we realize this and never get involved in another one. Oh, wait...Vietnam taught us nothing...and, unfortunately, Iraq won't either. Just wait until Hillary or Obama gets elected and they feel the need to put one military intervention on their resume. It'll probably be Darfur, and then more Americans are going to die for the mistakes and ambitions of another dumbass in the White House.
[QUOTE="monkeytoes61"]How many of you have read a page of literature about the war? None of you right? You only listen to what the democratic media tells you. You guys have no idea what is happening over there. So please, stop blathering on about stuff you don't have a clue about.hormagaunt
Im so sorry about anything i have ever said about the war, your knowledge is obviously far superior.
PS. its not called literature
It's not called literature? Are you kidding me? Liiterature is the same thing as book...[QUOTE="hormagaunt"][QUOTE="monkeytoes61"]How many of you have read a page of literature about the war? None of you right? You only listen to what the democratic media tells you. You guys have no idea what is happening over there. So please, stop blathering on about stuff you don't have a clue about.monkeytoes61
Im so sorry about anything i have ever said about the war, your knowledge is obviously far superior.
PS. its not called literature
It's not called literature? Are you kidding me? Liiterature is the same thing as book...No, a book or a novel is different than literature, literature is an art of writing, or writing with a famous artistic value
atleast i amused you though right?
I don't have a right to complain because I'm not overseas in Iraq. I wish for the safe return of the people I do know personally over there or shipping out in the near future. CommanderShiro
Yes you're paying for it.
[QUOTE="MattUD1"]Fox News is also democratically controlled? jointed
Nope, even's under commie control.
you're thinking NBC news there bud... Fox is Capitalist, and NBC is socialist...
[QUOTE="jointed"][QUOTE="MattUD1"]Fox News is also democratically controlled? battlefront23
Nope, even's under commie control.
you're thinking NBC news there bud... Fox is Capitalist, and NBC is socialist...
I know...
The joke was directed at Mattud1...he knows what I mean.
Oh, and both news channels are capitalistic.
How many of you have read a page of literature about the war? None of you right? You only listen to what the democratic media tells you. You guys have no idea what is happening over there. So please, stop blathering on about stuff you don't have a clue about.monkeytoes61
Isn't it costing our recession-wrecked country $12 Billion a month?
There must be WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! j/k
But we have to defend ourselves. If we leave you know how happy those terrorist will be happy? They can't wait for us to leave so they can come over here. We have done a good job since 9/11 but if we go all offence we will be f'ed.
Going into Iraq was a huge mistake. The US should have concentrated on Afghanistan, and perhaps looked at dropping the hammer on Iran.
HOWEVER, the US can't pull out now. It has to stay until a framework is in place that can maintain order once the American soldiers leave.
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