No offense, but the only guy i've spoken to on this forum which was pro-iraq war thought the war was over al queda operating in Iraq. :?
It's very simple; the american and british governments told their respective people that Saddam had some of the world's most dangerous weapons, and that he had every intention of deploying them. It was also claimed by bush that he sought nuclear weapons in visiting nigeria, and that he had links to 9/11. None of that was true.
Therefore, to be anti-war in Iraq is perfectly justifiable. Dont be so dismissive as to say none of us know what we're talking about when it's all so very simple; two governments lied to two nations, dragging them into a war which has killed hundreds of brave young men and women, and tens of thousands of civilians, over a pack of lies. To this day we dont know why we really went to war in the middle east.
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