Main Entry: minx
Pronunciation: \ˈmiŋ(k)s\
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1576
1: a pert girl
2: a wanton womanmiinnx
i like cream cheese wontons >_>
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[QUOTE="the_foreign_guy"]The first 3 letters are your initials, the numbers are the girl from the office you had a crush on's work numbers, and the basic comes from the original gamespot members, _basic is automatically added IIRC. the_foreign_guy
Well, I'm a guy, That explains the Mr.
I listen to and/or play a wide variety of music. From rap to opera. Explains the Music Man
247 refers to me always have music on my mind.
And there you have it. Mr. Music Man 247
[QUOTE="Serraph105"]holy crap I thought you had left tfg :oscorch-62He pokes around every now and then. I come and go like the wind. Then when you think I'm staying, I leave.
Been done before but it's been awhile, pretty much a copy and paste from the old thread:P
This is very long, and very true...
Maybe 10 or 12 years ago (hard to remember exactly when) I was working up North at a local TV station in the production department. We handled all the local news and all the pre-taped public relation/service shows that are required by law to show... most of them you see early Sunday morning, if you even try to watch them:P
One of the shows was a show called "Close Up On Aging" with a host who we will call "Tony". It was a half hour show and Tiony and guests would talk about things related to senior citizens. I won't go into details about content, you can imagine the boredom...
The host "Tony" would come in an hour before the taping each week and come back to the control room with a sheet of paper containing the names of the guests and thier "titles" so we could type in the info for graphics during the show. Here's where the fun begins...
"Tony" was always forgetting names (he was well into his 80's and god bless him he kept going) He would come back and say "hey Teddy" one week and the next week say "hey Billy" to the same person... funny/cute.whatever.
I worked there for six years... the man saw me every week, and he never remembered my name. One week, he came to the control room, there were a few of use hanging and talking about things, he comes right up to me with a big grin, hands me the paper with the guest names on it.....
Wait for it.... wait for it......
He pokes my chest... and says..... "solid..... that's pretty solid... there russ" I'm not kidding, god save me... he left the room and everyone broke down laughing... so shortly after that, I made the name solidruss, if you see it out there on the internets, it's more than likely me. It never had anything to do with Metal Gear Solid, nothing game related.
*end of Story*
It's my name (Ethan) and my at the time's girlfriend's name (Paige). Needless to say, she's not my girlfriend anymore. >_>
[QUOTE="scorch-62"][QUOTE="Serraph105"]holy crap I thought you had left tfg :othe_foreign_guyHe pokes around every now and then. I come and go like the wind. Then when you think I'm staying, I leave. So, would you stay if no one thought you were staying?
My name is exactly what it looks like... A random made up word. I used to not like it but it grew on me. It is the one name that I know will never be taken by someone else when I am signing up or making an account for something. And if I find out that someone besides me started using it....:x:evil: use your imagination...
beautiful donkeykong
So you finally admit it, huh? =P
donkey kong>denmark, why fight it.
denmark is better =Pdenmark it is then. =3
No, don't listen to her.
You have Donkey Kong,Diddy Kong,Dixie Kong, and evenDonkey Kong Junior!
And since Alli seems to be a giant WoW addict, I believe DK also stands for Death Knight. So it could be Beautiful Death Knight too! o.o
(it's definitely not Denmark tho =P)
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