Sadly, voter suppression really hurt Bernie tonight, not saying he would have won for sure, but it would have been much tighter. Really hate this corrupt country we live in.
I know it's a lot to ask for evidence from a you but......
Polling places not opening in certain cities until noon, and they just happen to be places that contain mostly bernie supporters.
Hundereds of thousands of people who were purged off the voting roll, or party affiliation changed without there knowledge, and even fake signatures that weren't written by the person.
Making the deadline to register back in october without making that well known...makes NO sense.
Not hard to look this shit up. It's idiotic to believe that everyone who is on hillary's side would even consider having a fair and clean election when they can rig the election so easily, with so much on the line for them (rich people, the establishment).
If its not hard to look up, can I see some hard evidence?
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