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#51 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@AlexKidd5000 said:
@still_vicious said:
@AlexKidd5000 said:

Sadly, voter suppression really hurt Bernie tonight, not saying he would have won for sure, but it would have been much tighter. Really hate this corrupt country we live in.

I know it's a lot to ask for evidence from a you but......


Polling places not opening in certain cities until noon, and they just happen to be places that contain mostly bernie supporters.

Hundereds of thousands of people who were purged off the voting roll, or party affiliation changed without there knowledge, and even fake signatures that weren't written by the person.

Making the deadline to register back in october without making that well known...makes NO sense.

Not hard to look this shit up. It's idiotic to believe that everyone who is on hillary's side would even consider having a fair and clean election when they can rig the election so easily, with so much on the line for them (rich people, the establishment).

If its not hard to look up, can I see some hard evidence?

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#52 zeroyaoi
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@FireEmblem_Man: People take their Bernie seriously here. =0

I know just the thing to cheer you up. Let's cuddle up and watch some yaoi. ^•,-^

@and1salt Thank you for recommending Shouwa Genroku. ^.^

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#53 FireEmblem_Man
Member since 2004 • 20389 Posts

@zeroyaoi said:

@FireEmblem_Man: People take their Bernie seriously here. =0

I know just the thing to cheer you up. Let's cuddle up and watch some yaoi. ^•,-^

@and1salt Thank you for recommending Shouwa Genroku. ^.^

Emmm.... How about a kiss instead?

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#54 zeroyaoi
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@FireEmblem_Man: ='(

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#55 FireEmblem_Man
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@zeroyaoi said:

@FireEmblem_Man: ='(

I'm not gay, was born straight and like women

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#56 zeroyaoi
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@FireEmblem_Man: You can't even humor me a little bit. >=\

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#57 FireEmblem_Man
Member since 2004 • 20389 Posts

@zeroyaoi said:

@FireEmblem_Man: You can't even humor me a little bit. >=\

Okay, for you babe, I'll watch yaoi with you! Because you have stolen my heart <3

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#58  Edited By GreySeal9
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@hillelslovak said:
@GreySeal9 said:
@hillelslovak said:
@Gaming-Planet said:

Will vote Trump then. Build a coffin for Washington.

Build a coffin for a large proportion of the world's humans. Dude wants to pit the west against all Islam, is not at all reticent to using nuclear weapons on foreign countries.

Any Bernie supporter that votes for Trump is an idiot with no hope for recovery and possibly lacks morals. There's no nice way to put it.

That's the sort of Devil's Gamble Americans are going to have to deal with. Hilary is a straight demon, with no moral compass, and she treats others like objects, clearly. She is STILL better than Donald Trump. I cannot abide in a man who mocks those in lesser situations than him, who has no respect for anyone, and who is tragically inept to the point of being dangerous.

The American people are not going to gamble and that's why they will choose Clinton. She is a status quo candidate, not a wildcard. And I'd be willing to bet that even people who dislike her don't think she's a demon because most people are not over the top.

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#59  Edited By GreySeal9
Member since 2010 • 28247 Posts

@AlexKidd5000 said:
@GreySeal9 said:
@Solaryellow said:
@AlexKidd5000 said:

Sadly, voter suppression really hurt Bernie tonight, not saying he would have won for sure, but it would have been much tighter. Really hate this corrupt country we live in.

I'd be interested in hearing more about this suppression if you will.

The other day, when AlexKidd said that Hillary is only winning because she's a "cheating b!tch," i asked for proof that she's cheating and he wasn't able to provide any. One of the moron's arguments was "Hillary probably hacked into Bernie's voter rolls."

It is possible that the DNC helped the clinton campaign see the sanders campaign voter database, remember when they restricted them from seeing there own database? that made zero sense. You are a fucking retard if you don't think with how much influence, and power they weild that they wouldn't rig the **** out of this election, and do everything in there power to keep sanders supporters from voting. There was even a politician who admitted to suppressing voting with bullshit photo ID laws.

You can call me the r-word (very classy!) until you're blue in the face, but unless you have evidence that Clinton cheated or "rigged" the election, it didn't happen.

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#60  Edited By Solaryellow
Member since 2013 • 7378 Posts

@AlexKidd5000 said:
@Solaryellow said:
@GreySeal9 said:

The other day, when AlexKidd said that Hillary is only winning because she's a "cheating b!tch," i asked for proof that she's cheating and he wasn't able to provide any. One of the moron's arguments was "Hillary probably hacked into Bernie's voter rolls."

I'll be the first to admit she isn't someone who would receive my vote strictly because I find her to be dishonest but I do find her more attached to reality and better suited to do the job over her opponent. Still though, if her candidacy is somehow "suppressing" voters we need actual proof rather than conjecture and to be honest, I'm very tired of the Sanders crew always falling back on the suppression card. I read the reasons the other guy listed and it it still conjecture and embellishment. Polling hours that don't meet the standards of every voter is sour grapes and not suppression. The cut off for being registered to vote months ahead of time seems logical to me as well. Voting might take a bit of leg work rather than having Uncle Sam do everything for you except for choosing the candidate of preference. Hundreds of thousands of voters being told they can not vote? Lets see it. Hell, Fox would be running with it 24/7, right?

Wisconsin gave everyone the ability to register ON THE DAY OF THE ELECTION, why the hell can't new york do the same? And why were so many polling stations closed in arizona? from 200 in 2012 to 60 this year? any rational person would be able to see that a candidate like Sanders has the public fired up to vote, so the lame ass excuse of "Well we didn't know so many people would be voting" is the most retarded excuse you can give. you are blind if you don't see things like that as voter suppression.

And your reason for seeing Clinton as the more reasonable candidate who is more rooted in reality is not a sensible argument, so you're saying that you'd rather vote for a bought douche nozzle who is guaranteed not to try to change anything because it's the only realistic option, as opposed to voting for someone who will fight tooth and nail, doing everything in his power to see to it that the people of america will get what THEY want, and NOT just the corporations? What a sheep. I'll vote for the person who actually gives a **** about us thank you.

Sanders is appealing to certain individuals out there by demonizing the rich and banks, promising freebies out the ying yang, etc.., He's also rich yet his people don't seem bothered oddly enough. What I have found to be extremely disheartening is how he doesn't have any shame when it comes to pandering. All politicians pander but he takes it to extremes. This man is not realistic with his promises. Not surprising, you are a typical Sanders supporter who, instead of realizing the majority of people do not want him, try and blame it on suppression and other poppycock fantasies. He's giving a 20 minute speech in my area sometime today. I'm may take a drive by to see how many people turn out and if more turn out for him than Bill Clinton last week.

Do most Sanders supporters use the term "retarded" multiple times to promote their argument? Do they not understand the government can not do everything for them and people have to do some of the leg work themselves while showing a little initiative? Your candidate didn't show up a few days ago. People have known about him for a while. If these people gave a damn about voting they could have easily registered in the fal but they didn't. Has Fox News run a story yet about the "hundreds of thousands" of people who were denied the right to vote? I'd be interested in seeing the story.

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#61 JimB
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@sSubZerOo said:
@nintendoboy16 said:
@sSubZerOo said:
@Wickerman777 said:

Never been a time in history when socialism has gone particularly well for very long. Plenty of examples of it going spectacularly badly ... like hundreds of thousands of people murdered kind of badly. Yet every so often a populace will go fruit loops for it, especially young people. Yep, screw history and feel the bern!

Holy shit I wish people would realize that Bernie Sander's platform in no way compares to Communist Russia.. I wish people would get that through their thick skulls, how many times does it have to be repeated that he supports a free market? Or are people just this stupid? Not saying you have to support or like the candidate, but at least try to form a opinion that is better informed than a high school drop out. To even make such a comparison really shows that as a person they have failed in understanding basic economic and political policy both recent and historical.

The fact that this is one of the top critcisms I hear all over the place really illustrates how uninformed and uneducated people are in the United States.. Then again who am I kidding, we have asshats also labeling Trump as Adolf Hitler, another cringe worthy comparison showing more about the person saying it's intelligence than Trump him self..

Oh come on! You got to admit that Trump's plans against Muslims sound pretty close to how Hitler treated Jews.

... I am sorry but I have seen far prejudice shit come from movements like BLM in their rhetoric than ANYTHING coming close to what Trump has said.. Where we had higher up BLM movement members tweeting about killing white people.. Donald Trump maybe a jackass, but he isn't the first leader in history who has said such inflammatory thing about a certain group of people.. I don't see it, how do you go from what Trump is going to the Holocaust? That is quite a leap in logic to automatically plaster a person as Hitler, it also falls under Godwin's fallacy.

The only thing Trump said is he wants to stop immigration of Muslims until we can vet them. It makes sense. When you have a group of people that want to kill you you want to take every precaution to insure they don't come into the country with good people. Not the whole sale immigration legal and illegal we now have. I am tired of politicians saying that is not who we are, we are certainly not what they think we are. Frankly the politicians are so busy trying to not hurt anyone feelings they are willing to get us all killed.

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#62 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

@GreySeal9 said:
@AlexKidd5000 said:
@GreySeal9 said:
@Solaryellow said:
@AlexKidd5000 said:

Sadly, voter suppression really hurt Bernie tonight, not saying he would have won for sure, but it would have been much tighter. Really hate this corrupt country we live in.

I'd be interested in hearing more about this suppression if you will.

The other day, when AlexKidd said that Hillary is only winning because she's a "cheating b!tch," i asked for proof that she's cheating and he wasn't able to provide any. One of the moron's arguments was "Hillary probably hacked into Bernie's voter rolls."

It is possible that the DNC helped the clinton campaign see the sanders campaign voter database, remember when they restricted them from seeing there own database? that made zero sense. You are a fucking retard if you don't think with how much influence, and power they weild that they wouldn't rig the **** out of this election, and do everything in there power to keep sanders supporters from voting. There was even a politician who admitted to suppressing voting with bullshit photo ID laws.

You can call me the r-word (very classy!) until you're blue in the face, but unless you have evidence that Clinton cheated or "rigged" the election, it didn't happen.

I'm under the impression that his parents were part of the "give a kid a trophy for doing everything" ideology. He thinks everything he says and believes has some merit without actually having evidence to believe them.

I hope he can look inward and see that.

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#63 Solaryellow
Member since 2013 • 7378 Posts

@JimB said:

The only thing Trump said is he wants to stop immigration of Muslims until we can vet them. It makes sense. When you have a group of people that want to kill you you want to take every precaution to insure they don't come into the country with good people. Not the whole sale immigration legal and illegal we now have. I am tired of politicians saying that is not who we are, we are certainly not what they think we are. Frankly the politicians are so busy trying to not hurt anyone feelings they are willing to get us all killed.

I'm trying to understand those condemning Trump for wanting to be as sure as possible that whom we allow in is not radicalized. If he is using fear mongering, what about the left who are knowingly misrepresenting what he is saying on the matter?

Sanders was in my area this morning and the people waiting to see him, well, lets just say I am terrified of what our future holds. One younger chick was interviewed and she said she cried when he was introduced. Cried huh? What I saw was something out of a Rob Zombie movie. So many of these kids have zero idea of reality and mistake it for fantasy.

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#64 mattbbpl
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@Stesilaus: Yeah, but it's a highly undesirable one that results in what amounts to a power-vacuum caused wildcard.

We have a system that allows for "revolutions" from within, thereby avoiding the drastic shocks and uncertainty associated with violent coups.

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#66 deactivated-59d151f079814
Member since 2003 • 47239 Posts

@jdiggle said:
@sSubZerOo said:
@Wickerman777 said:

Never been a time in history when socialism has gone particularly well for very long. Plenty of examples of it going spectacularly badly ... like hundreds of thousands of people murdered kind of badly. Yet every so often a populace will go fruit loops for it, especially young people. Yep, screw history and feel the bern!

Holy shit I wish people would realize that Bernie Sander's platform in no way compares to Communist Russia.. I wish people would get that through their thick skulls, how many times does it have to be repeated that he supports a free market? Or are people just this stupid? Not saying you have to support or like the candidate, but at least try to form a opinion that is better informed than a high school drop out. To even make such a comparison really shows that as a person they have failed in understanding basic economic and political policy both recent and historical.

The fact that this is one of the top critcisms I hear all over the place really illustrates how uninformed and uneducated people are in the United States.. Then again who am I kidding, we have asshats also labeling Trump as Adolf Hitler, another cringe worthy comparison showing more about the person's intelligence than Trump him self..

Comparing Trump to Hitler is ridiculous. Trump's daughter married a Jewish person and converted to Judaism, and he seems perfectly okay with it. Hitler would have probably killed his daughter if she married a Jew (I don't think he had any kids though).

As for Bernie, I don't like his economic or tax policies but I don't think he'd have people arrested or killed like Lenin or Stalin or any of the other Communist dictators did. He's a social democrat - or a democratic socialist as he says - these people want to mix socialism with democracy, which I guess means they can never really implement "integral" socialism since there wouldn't be enough popular support for doing so.

.. What Bernie Sanders is basically suggesting is supporting social systems within a free market economy, pretty much what the rest of the west has been doing for decades now.. Not saying it is good or bad, but people need to realize that Democrat Socialist, as he calls him self, is nothing like what people are trying to say it is.. The police, fire department, social security, etc etc.. Are social programs.. He just supports reform and increase in certain programs as opposed to many of the for profit industries that exist in the United States... Yet again not saying you have to agree with his approach, but people need to stop making these kind of ignorant comparisons with either of the curveball candidates on both sides.

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#67 AFBrat77
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This is it Bernie supporters, my state (Pennsylvania) votes on Tuesday and if Hillary wins, she will be the Democratic nominee. I'm expecting her to win.

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#68 Toph_Girl250
Member since 2008 • 48978 Posts

@Solaryellow said:
@JimB said:

The only thing Trump said is he wants to stop immigration of Muslims until we can vet them. It makes sense. When you have a group of people that want to kill you you want to take every precaution to insure they don't come into the country with good people. Not the whole sale immigration legal and illegal we now have. I am tired of politicians saying that is not who we are, we are certainly not what they think we are. Frankly the politicians are so busy trying to not hurt anyone feelings they are willing to get us all killed.

I'm trying to understand those condemning Trump for wanting to be as sure as possible that whom we allow in is not radicalized. If he is using fear mongering, what about the left who are knowingly misrepresenting what he is saying on the matter?

Sanders was in my area this morning and the people waiting to see him, well, lets just say I am terrified of what our future holds. One younger chick was interviewed and she said she cried when he was introduced. Cried huh? What I saw was something out of a Rob Zombie movie. So many of these kids have zero idea of reality and mistake it for fantasy.

What exactly did you find so horrifying among this crowd? Doesn't sound like you're being very specific. You're saying it looked like something out of a Rob Zombie movie, but how was it something that felt like it was out of a Rob Zombie movie?

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#69 Solaryellow
Member since 2013 • 7378 Posts

@Toph_Girl250 said:

What exactly did you find so horrifying among this crowd? Doesn't sound like you're being very specific. You're saying it looked like something out of a Rob Zombie movie, but how was it something that felt like it was out of a Rob Zombie movie?

Perhaps a better way would be also adding George A. Romero to my original comments. These people were highly unrealistic with their words and actions and almost seemed brain-dead. The vast majority of people were young kids who have do not have the knowledge nor experience to, IMO, accurately access what WE (tax payers) should be doing. I remain hopeful, yet highly optimistic, that one day when they mature they will understand the follies of their ways and how not everything is the fault of the rich nor should everything be free.