One worked? Can I see your crystal ball? Can you see the unseen consquences? My god, your must have some astonishing magical powers.
It was analogy made in order for you to get an understanding of basic economics, which obviously went way over your head, because it's clear you still don't understand it.
It's pretty clear you don't have a basic understanding of economics or different schools of economic thought.
I don't exactly need to have magic powers, just a computer and I can look at quarterly profit for the company. Seriously it's not hard, if you need help with this just ask.And you just rattle on about how I don't understand economics without explaining how. I'm not an expert on it, but the tax payers being paid back, the government making money in taxes, the michigan economy having hundreds of thousands of jobs saved, that all sounds like good things.
Like I said, you have to have your head in one of those holes you've been busy digging because it's really clear that michigan is in trouble, and you act like other businesses will fill the hole left by chrysler, but that's unrealilistic, what is realilistic is a mass immigration out of the state for economic reasons, 15% unemployment is already pretty bad, and I don't know why you would want to make it worse.
I can see where people outside this state have doubts, questioning whether the money would be paid back is the big thing, which it has been, but living in this state, I can't believe you don't see how this wouldn't devestate the economy, even from a selfish standpoint, if chrysler goes under there's a good chance you would lose your job, and if you aren't employed it would make it harder to find one. I really think you're lying about living in michigan for that reason, you seem to be fighting against common sense there. No matter who you are or what you do, you will be affected negatively. It's like you just want things to go bad, you don't want a company to pay people, you don't care if the company pays back it's loan, you don't care that it generates alot of taxes for the state, and you don't care about the millions of lives that would be hurt really badly by this, you just don't seem to care.
My god. I'm not going to explain it again...To think that if I don't support the bailout means I just want Michigan's economy to do poorly is ridiculous. Keeping alive failing businesses is NOT a good economic policy. If the jobs aren't attached to a business which is in demand, then that business should fail. This ends up being better for the economy in the long-run. Just like digging holes. It's not attached to anything productive, because the market deemed it so. Again, it's not good economic policy to artificially keep a failing business alive.
I don't like to argue in circles. I am done with you.
And yes, I've lived in Michigan all of my life. Why the hell would I lie about that?
You're not even arguing you're just saying that a company failing is good.......for some reason :roll:. If you really think it failing is a good thing then you either are obvious and completely ignorant to what is going on in michigan right now, or you don't care, or maybe both, but be strait about it, it's one of those, and you know it.Actually keeping it alive was beneficial, Nobody lost money, gov't and company made money, people kept jobs, what's the problem?
It's obviously in demand if it's turning a profit and sales are increasing. The hole analogy is pretty stupid, cars are a product people want. Also you don't seem to have even a basic understanding of what's going on in this state, a company crashing is just hurts people and moves money out of the economy as forein companies take it's place.
But you're obvious to the bolded part it's damn impressive that you can't figure this out.
I don't know why you'd lie, but you certainly don't seem to be aware about what's going on about you, maybe you buried your head with this whole hole company you started.
Also, you need to put some thought into your analogies, even if it's a small amount. You're comparing something that does nothing productive to a profitable car company. how have you not relized that?
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