Democrats Propose Bill For Hefty Tax Increase On Guns, Ammunition is taken right from the playbook that raised tobacco taxes to get people to stop smoking.
Reps. Danny K. Davis, D-Ill, and Bill Pascrell, D-N.J., say the Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act (H.R. 3018) would generate $600 million per year that would be used to fund gun violence prevention and law-enforcement.Linked Article
Ammunition prices and availability is already terrible, just last month, I paid $50+ for 1050 rounds of .22LR ammunition that I got lucky in getting. I was expecting to get just 4 50 round boxes at $2.83 each, but a shipment came in just that morning with the larger boxes came in. Bass Pro Shops limits people to 2 50 round boxes each or 1 525 round boxes per day so others can buy ammo too. Other shops rarely get any .22LR ammo as it is. I can remember buying 100 round boxes for $.75 each.
It is estimated that there will be another run on weapons and ammo if this bill gains any traction. Do you think this will impact the number of illegal weapons on the street or the reduce the number of killings by criminals who use firearms in the commissions of their crimes?Â
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