[QUOTE="TheDarthvader"][QUOTE="-Sluggo-"][QUOTE="TheDarthvader"]so i type www.google.com and it gives me an entire list of search pages i've ever done in the last couple of months, somewhere in that pile of useless adresses is the actual "www.google.com"
it should have given me "www.google.com" as the first result!
The answer to that would be typing "www.google.com"...and hitting enter.:|
that was just an example of how its not suppose to work.
@air guitar
i'm talking about searching my address bar, not google.
What in gods name is it that you want then? If you want accurate searches then use a search engine. If you want to type in an address use the address bar.
I tried to put it in the simplest possible way but somehow you still dont get it.
I type in "ne", and it sorts "slashdot-NEws for NErds", and "groklaw.NEt", and a few other things, BEFORE "NEws.google.com".
If I WANTED slashdot, I would have typed "sl". If I WANTED groklaw, I would have typed "gr".
Do you now get what i was trying to say?
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