There's nothing I won't try at least once, but so far, the only thing that's turned me off from ever eating it again is celery. Absolutely can't stand the smell and taste of that.
That's unfortunate you've chosen to not eat something that tastes great and has a lot of health benefits simply because of hearsay.
And there's nothing I won't try at least once.. I've gone as far as eating freshly castrated goat testicles (surprisingly great) to eating fermented duck fetuses (Nonsurprisingly naseuous)
As Benjamin Franklin said "Eat to live, and not live to eat." I could honestly eat bread and water, or something bland like that, for every meal, without complaining.
Name dropping Benajmin Franklin for that quote doesn't really mean a whole lot seeing as how the man was in no way known for his wise opnions on food and eating. It can be very much argued that eating is one of the things that can be attributed to making humans... well, human. A life where you only live to eat, as you say, would be a pretty sad life devoid of a major part of the world's culture and make up.
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