@tryit said:
@korvus said:
My beef with the new movies is the lack of originality and the very low risk taking. Sure, the original movies were badly acted and cringy and the prequels were corny and cheesy AF but at least they were trying to tell a new story...
thats a stretch.
the stories then really were not that revolutionary or risk taking frankly.
not that these are either but all of them if you know Hero with a Thousand Faces, Masks of God, and/or Power of Myth you can see what is being conveyed although rather simplistically.
This is false. George Lucas used an amalgamation of different elements in a way cinema goers had never really scene before.
e.g. the opening scene and robots taken from The Hidden Fortress, placed in a sci-fi settings, with space nazi's, space pirates, wizards, princess, a boys journey etc... presented like an old fashioned serial from the pre-40's mid story.
Prior to Starwars, you had sterile sci-fi and fantasy movies as two distinct elements. Even in movies like the MCU we see it's influence. Guardians Of The Galaxy being the most obvious example.
Along with Aliens it's had a massive influence on games. One of the earliest example being Phantasy Star.
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