"Ok so here's the deal. I have a lot of friends on Xbox Live that I don't talk to or play games with. I'm sure a lot of you do too. It's normal right? He keeps giving me crap about this when he himself has a few friends that he doesn't talk to or play games with either. This makes him a hypocrite doesn't it? I tell him this over and over and he just doesn't understand how he's being a hypocrite."
I'd like to point out that I have friends that I play and talk to. This man, does not. He has a list full of people he doesnt play with. I do. This makes HIM a hypocrite, does it not?
I've given him examples like "A guy who does drugs that tells other people that it's wrong to do drugs and they shouldn't do them" is the same as someone saying "I have friends on my list that I don't talk too and so do you but your wrong and shouldn't do that". Sure drugs and friends aren't the same thing but that's not the point. The point is that both people are being hypocrites and he just doesn't seem to understand this.
Drugs= friends
Doing Drugs= Playing/Talking with friends
Having Drugs In Corner That You Care Nothing About=Having friends on your friends list that you wouldnt care got delteted
Does this logic make sense to anyone? It does to me. But apparently not to this guy.
And I'm pretty sure he's calling himself a hypocrite in that last part there.
I know this is kind of stupid and dumb but that's what siblings argue abodut. Can you guys set me or him straight on this? We need a little outside help to finally settle this argument.
Yeah, really stupid and dumb.
Here is the real freaking argument
I give him crap about him not playing with his friends on his friends list. Not one of them. Even though I do, he give ME crap for almost two hours trying to explain to me that I'm a hypocrite for saying such a thing.
Now, in his own logic, I give him crap out his friends list=I'm a hypocrite
Again, in his own logic, He gives me crap FOR TWO HOURS about my friends on my friends list= He's not a hypocrite and calls me an idiot.
This has no buissness on a forum.
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