"The existence of extraterrestrial intelligences would have a profound impact on religion, shattering completely the traditional perspective of God's special relationship with man. The difficulties are particularly acute for Christianity, which postulates that Jesus Christ was God incarnate whose mission was to provide salvation for man on Earth. The prospect of a host of 'alien Christs' systematically visiting every inhabited planet in the physical form of the local creatures has a rather absurd aspect." -Paul davies
It also brings doubt to if the "angels" and otherworldly beings God sent down were actually supernatural beings or just aliens. It will also be strange if the aliens state that God never sent Christ to their world to die for their sins. Why would God not care about the immortal soul of alien life?
So one mans opinion on what would happen,who isn't a Christian leader, automatically makes all of Christianity believe that? Hmmmm
It won't destroy religion but it will toss alot of doubt into people as to why God chose Earth and not the planet of Theta espilon 5. Why God saved our souls but not the beings of Theta Epsilon 5. Why an alien record might show they visited Earth at the time of Jesus. Why Jesus did not visit Theta Epsilon 5 to save them.
I think there would probably be abit of a religious war with an extra terrestrial race if their recording of history does not match up with ours. You'd also probably have (after the intial shock), people trying to convert and "save" the aliens who apparently all go to hell as Jesus died for the sins of man, not the sins of all sentient life.
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