[QUOTE="shoeman12"]i could care less if france walks out.snakes_codec
Please...please...please! It is I couldn't care less, as in I could not care less because I don't care at all. If you could care less that means you care.
...Anyways, I like France they do not give in to political pressure from other countries for example the war in Iraq, they don't just hop into bed with the US on every agenda. If both Germany and France walk out it will be a total failure. How will the public react knowing that their so called leaders can't even agree with each other.
so your quite happy to have the French tell you what to do are you ? and as for France not giving into the U.S pressure over Iraq you do realize the French had economic intersts in Iraq namly oil that they were trying to protect also from what Ive herd they wanted to keep the Muslim population in France happy to so France was basicly tied down over that buisness from day one they were sell weapons or oil to there good buddy Saddam and to scared of the Muslims in there country .
Hmm? The French don't tell me what to do common sense does. Don't give me that jargon about economic interests the USA put Saddam in power in the 1st place. They sold him weapons initially and guess who sells all the weapons in post war Iraq now? Also the majority of French people were against the war not just muslims.
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