New better link, with HD video available
Action movie of the decade?? Looking for the HD trailer
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New better link, with HD video available
Action movie of the decade?? Looking for the HD trailer
Hopefully they learn from the craptacularness of the first one and leave out all the cheesy, teen-drama dialogue and replace it with pure action.foxhound_fox
:cry: I liked the first one...
So... they took extra footage from the first one and made it into a new movie? It looks exactly the same, but with different robots. And yet I'll be forced to see it eventually, and all of the tools around me who have no real taste in movies will call it the greatest piece of cinematography they've ever seen. I'll take a deep plot over a special effects extravaganza any day.
ill watch the trailer in a few, but all i need to know is, is THE SEXIEST WOMAN ON EARTH KNOWN AS MEGAN FOX IN IT ? cause then ill definately see it :PEuroshinobiGod she is so hot
:cry: I liked the first one...Guppy507
[QUOTE="remmbermytitans"]I'll be watching it either in theaters or at home. :DEuroshinobiGASP ! freeloader !!! I meant when it comes out on DVD. :P
[QUOTE="Guppy507"]:cry: I liked the first one...foxhound_fox
Well, I'm safe from hatred because I've only seen it once :D
If you want an HD trailer go to thought the first was a good blockbuster, but thats all, good for a few hours of mindless action. This looks like they added more action, but is there any plot? Even the first had a plot, this trailer doesnt show anything about the plot, just boom boom BOOM!!SaintLeonidasThanks, ill add the link to the OP. Also who cares about the plot? Its friggen transformers, the decepticons are getting REVENGE!!! So epic, all I want from a transformers film is hearing peter cullens voice and seeing optimus prime KICK ASS!!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully they learn from the craptacularness of the first one and leave out all the cheesy, teen-drama dialogue and replace it with pure action.foxhound_fox
"Craptacularness." Now that's a cool word. Seems like everyone in OT hated the first movie. I rather enjoyed it.
Also who cares about the plot? Its friggen transformers, the decepticons are getting REVENGE!!! So epic, all I want from a transformers film is hearing peter cullens voice and seeing optimus prime KICK ASS!!!!!!!!!!
You took the words right out of my mouth.8)
[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]Hopefully they learn from the craptacularness of the first one and leave out all the cheesy, teen-drama dialogue and replace it with pure action.LikeHaterade
"Craptacularness." Now that's a cool word. Seems like everyone in OT hated the first movie. I rather enjoyed it.
When the first one came out everyone was creaming their pants, they all must have been banned.Oh Megan Fox ;]istyleeyes i dont think they comprehend that MEGAN FRIGGIN FOX SUPER HOT owdwmidj ed OMFG is in the MOVIE oMFDIFdsdxybds
The first needed more Starscream, my fav decepticon. The 2nd better deliver.killerfist
I hope so to, it did show Starscream flying into space at the end of the first one. LOL maybe Starscreams the new mastermind since Megatron's gone. LOL Starscream a mastermind LOL!
Ya, where is jet fire. Awesome giant robots bike, I think.Makemapjetfire is in the trailer. he gets attack by Scorponok(you can only see jetifre's arm though). the giants robot bike is not a bike but a Terex O&K RH 400 Hydraulic Mining Excavator. its really huge
Hopefully they learn from the craptacularness of the first one and leave out all the cheesy, teen-drama dialogue and replace it with pure action.foxhound_fox
Let Shia and Megan make some stupid American Pie movie together.
BTW: Where the hell is Soundwave?
Soundwave is Megatron's best buddy - how is he not in either movie yet?
[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]Hopefully they learn from the craptacularness of the first one and leave out all the cheesy, teen-drama dialogue and replace it with pure action.Netherscourge
Let Shia and Megan make some stupid American Pie movie together.
the action in the first movie sucked just as much as the teen dramaPlease Log In to post.
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