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my mom is good with computers because she took some classes in college.
but my dad is not good at them at all. my dad uses only desktop computer with the wireless access point and every time its slow on his computer he blames me for my video games even when im not playing the or because im using the wireless internet on my laptop.
So my mum tried to log onto eBay on my laptop the other day...
Mum: Where are the number keys!?
Me: Up the top.
*confused look*
[QUOTE="airshocker"]My dad does that... even though he's been using computers for over 30 years and used to be able to program in FORTRAN and Assembly Assembly? He is a beast. My dad types with two fingers as well, knows fortran and he is a semiconductor. My mom on the other hand doesn't know how to turn a pc on so...My Dad still types with two fingers as if he's trying to punch through the keyboard, though.
For me the worst part was in HS, 3rd period I had AP comp sci and like me and my friend and the teacher are like friends and talking about awesome stuff like, how to make some algorithim faster, or some random theory on how to do something or working on our experimental bluetooth DOS attack. Then I go to the next class useless history, and the teacher is like this is how I use google right? And he always got pissed at me for not knowing where some useless country was when he can't do that >.>
"Do you have the number for that website?" -Vice President Joe Biden
"What's that Avatar thing again?" -Vice President Joe Biden
What a ****ing idiot.
Lol, Number for a website :P
Joe biden browses web by IP addresses don't hate.
He browses by 32digit numbers silly consisting of 0 and ones. Then he converts that into the ipv4 address we are used to seeing.saying all the virus' are because of me because i play games on the pc...when they download music all the time lol
1.) "I need you to come to my house (20 miles) and show me why isn't my answering machine recording messages?" I get there and the "Record" On/Off button has been toggled to off.
2.) "Did you have any Nintendo games you want for Christmas?" "I own a Playstation mom, but I don't want you spending money on me this year" "What is a Playstation? Is that like a newer Nintendo?"
3.) I've written her detailed instructions like I was writing for a 5 year old on how to copy/paste files on her computer. She always loses them and needs me to explain in detail over the phone how to do it.
4.) She doesn't understand "Save" as opposed to "Save As". As a result if she types something on her computer she'll have around 40 copies of it in the folder.
5.) Several years ago my sister was trying to get me in trouble because I had made her angry. She somehow convinced my mother that Hotmail was a porn website. She wouldn't let me onto the computer to prove her wrong for several days.
When my mom tries to fix **** that I know is not going to work. For example the Wii, it would turn on but I couldn't get pictures, or sound.
"Do you need a game in to make it show up on the TV?"
and "Maybe you have to turn on one of the wii remotes?
I knew it wasn't gonna work because i'd done everything I normally do to get it working and more but it took her like the whole day before I was able to get it repaired.
Not really technology, but a few years back, my dad had went out to buy a pump so he could pump up a basketball. He's your really old-fashioned, ultra-conservative, vietnam vet type, born in the 40's. Long story short, he couldn't get the ball pumped up due to the needle being bent to crap, but he got so pissed and flustered to the point where he just threw the bike pump and yelled, "These stupid communists"! The pump was made in China.
It's a regular thing with him, he's always blaming it on "the commies" if he can't get anything to work. It's an absolutely halarious thing to witness.
Not parent related, but my wife used to do tech support for a bunch of remote offices. The company would fly her to a region and she would do a few days support for all the company's offices in that particular area. She went to one office where this woman was complaining about her mouse not working properly. My wife looked at the woman's setup and noticed that her mouse was upside down (wire pointing down). My wife turned the mouse around and told her to try it this way. The woman was thrilled.
Another trouble call where a woman said her keyboard was broken. Whenever she tried to type a "(", she got a "9". My wife showed her how to use the shift key.
My dad does that... even though he's been using computers for over 30 years and used to be able to program in FORTRAN and Assembly Assembly? He is a beast. My dad types with two fingers as well, knows fortran and he is a semiconductor. My mom on the other hand doesn't know how to turn a pc on so... Only a bit of assembly to get chemical formulas to work. My mom did more programming, everything from binary to basic, though these days she can't work out how to burn a CD....[QUOTE="markop2003"][QUOTE="airshocker"]
My Dad still types with two fingers as if he's trying to punch through the keyboard, though.
[QUOTE="redstorm72"]3. *While I'm playing Forza 3* Dad: "Why didn't you tell me there was a race on?" Me: "Uuhhh" *pauses game* Dad: "What happened?"smc91352:lol: haha next time play Crysis and really freak him out :P Nah, try Burnout ;)
teaching my mom to play with a wii, i hand her the controller and she is holding it backwards, she says "well how the hell am i sapposed to know this stuff?"
"how do i make a facebook? do i have to pay?'
im playing a game, she says "what movie is this?"
there are so much more i cant ever remeber
and finally...
[spoiler] Carefull with that computer, kids, you will get a virus! - grandpa [/spoiler]
For well over a year my parents wouldn't let me use my router because they were freaking adament that the thing had given the family computer a virus despite me telling them God knows how many times that the router wouldn't be able to contain a virus in itself....
"How do I phone someone on this?" My dad couldn't figure out his iPhone. I had to teach him how to use it. :P
Makes sense. My dad did too, until mom explained that it's not like subscribing to a magazine.My mom thought subscribing to a YouTube channel costs money.
My dad will just leave his windows open and doesn't know how to exit, or he will left click and call my name and say"What did it do? It won't let me do anything!" He will be on youtube and he will click a video but not on the link, thus he calls my name , "It won't play *click* you didn't even show me how to fix it!"
My mum doesn't spend any time on the computer. The one time she did go on, I had to search every thing up for her. She doesn't know what is clickable and what is not.
My dad one time say this episode of Dr. Phil about Teens and the internet. Dr. Phil displayed a large list of abreviations that I even haven't heard of. Example-POS (Parents over shoulder) So now my dad thinks he knows the secret language of MSN.
One time my Grandpa held my PSP vertically.
My mum instantly lost on the first level of Super Mario World 2 when I asked her to try it when I was 6 or 7.
My dad calls my PSP a "Gameboy".
[QUOTE="airshocker"]The "search and destroy" method... AKA the command and conquer tactic.My Dad still types with two fingers as if he's trying to punch through the keyboard, though.
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