Based off of current knowledge and trends;
- Globality, in essence, is the complete and total success of Globalization. A point in which every "nation" of the world is united under the Monetary system and Free Market Enterprise. As of now, with the U.S. being the main creator and contributor to this direction, Globalization remains extremely successful and is constantly expanding. Almost every single modernized and industrialized nation on this Earth is a free market, capitalist, "democratic" nation which imports and exports goods/materials throughout the globe.
We are already seeing a rapid equilibrium occurring with the decline of the U.S. as a Hyperpower and the Ascension of other world nations, foreign companies setting up shop in multiple nations, the almost complete elimination of trading barriers, and of course the unsurpassed power of the banking system. Currently this is the direction that Humanity is moving towards, Gloablity.
It is safe to say, that based off of current trends, in the next 80-100 years we will see a complete Global economy form. It is most likely that one single form of communication will be established above all others for seem less communication, a single currency will arise, and a state of total artificial corporate competition will ensue. Government itself will become obsolete as it is no longer needed seeing as to how Corporations will be the governors of society (this is already well underway now, especially in the U.S.). Large scale conventional war and nuclear attack would be worthless considering that the economy is completely interdependent.
Culture as we know it would very much cease to exist, and commercialism/consumerism would basically replace it. Education, Religion, and and Philosophy would no doubt take a back seat in favor for commerical and financial teachings, considering the importance that they will have...
I could go on and on but it is not hard to figure out or imagine the type of world we would be living in under Globality. Neo-Aristocracy.
- The U.S. in the next 15-30 year could very much collapse under the pressure of it's enormous debt, both the governments and the citizens, and with it much of worlds other modernized nations. The U.S. is the very hub in which globalization continues to function.
Likewise, it is not very hard to imagine a world in which the Monetary system collpases. Living Hell. Human progress would most likely be pushed back 10-30 years and gaining back what we lost would not be easy.
Resource Based Economy
-A Resource-Based Economy is a system in which all goods and services are available without the use of money, credits, barter or any other system of debt or servitude. All resources become the common heritage of all of the inhabitants, not just a select few. The premise upon which this system is based is that the Earth is abundant with plentiful resource; our practice of rationing resources through monetary methods is irrelevant and counter productive to our survival.
Modern society has access to highly advanced technology and can make available food, clothing, housing and medical care; update our educational system; and develop a limitless supply of renewable, non-contaminating energy. By supplying an efficiently designed economy, everyone can enjoy a very high standard of living with all of the amenities of a high technological society.
Government would become obsolete (as with Globality) because there is simply no more need for it. People work together, along with advanced AI and Automation systems, to provide for everyone equally based on necessity and productivity rather than profit and commercial gain. This system shows that Politicians truly have no technical power, and that it is technology that improves our lives, not laws, money, or political decisions.
This scenario is vastly more difficult to imagine because we have never seen the likes of it before. By far the most difficult to achieve out of these options, however, (IMO) the most beneficial. Neo-Marxism.
So, which scenarion do YOU most likely see Humanity heading towards? Which scenario would you prefer? If not one of the above mentioned, what do you think another scenario might be?
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