Georgia is in a drought.
And I've been thinking, what if it keeps on going? No rain, no water,Georgia's economy will crash. Perdue (The Governer of Georgia)has allready stopped all construction in Georgia, so there is no growth. We can't water anything, so gardens are now grey. And Gainsville just might stop working all together, most of the income of the city comes from lakefront housing constuction, tourism, and chicken plants. Did you know that it takes 5 gallons of water for Fieldale to make a chicken? Well, it won't be long before Perdue shuts down the chicken plants to save Atlanta. And THEN where will the money come from? Citizen's pockets? Well, get too far into that and we will just have to start moving. Then Gainsville is a ghost town.
Wow, GAH!!! That was cynical. Not me at all.
I'm scared. :(
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