Gotta love it when the evangelicals cry foul when someone takes away their stick as they beat someone with it (metaphorically)
You know i get that no one should discriminate on insane grounds, but why is it ok to beat religious people over the head and basically say "hey you idiot, we know what you believe is wrong so go f yourself"
It´s actually pretty insane how much power liberals have because they can use the public opinion which are generate by fear for some people.
Not sure I understand your point, can you please explain/clarify it
Well, my point was that while we are cried our ears full of "we need to accept everyone" it seems that no-one really need to accept religious people when they believe things someone doesn't deem "acceptable"
Not that i have a problem with religious people being hit on the head but its kinda funny that liberals can decide what is ok and what is not.
You don't need to accept them, you just can't discriminate against them.
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