Bottom line is that they don't have the damn right to be touching me like that. And that's all there is to it.
Yet you sound like you're doing nothing about it except coming in here and fearing the "what ifs" if you do take action. You're right, they don't have the right, but what rights have you exercised to make them stop? Have you confronted them? What is the absolute worst thing that can happen?
And frankly, some of the replies here are just shameful. Some of you people are making it seem like just because I'm a man, it doesn't matter that I'm being sexually harassed. Which is bad enough as it is, but you're also buying into the extremist feminist idea that all men are total scum. The only reason why men are expected to put up with this kind of stuff is because of the popular notion that men will **** anything that moves. So if a man has sexual contact (or sexually implicit contact) forced on him, then he MUST like it because he's a man. Which makes it okay. And since it's okay, the man is a ****ing loser if he has a problem with it.
I agree, but what can be expected from a forum where the majority of posters are still in their teens?
Please tell me, when did it become acceptable to criticize the VICTIMS for having a problem with the acts that were FORCED on them?
You are allowing it to happen. Would you allow some stranger to come up to you in the street and shove you around? Look, people are going to be morons everywhere you go in life.  If you can't stand up for yourself and what you believe in and tell others when they are crossing your line of tolerance, then you may just as well stay at home locked in your room. You can't please everyone, you can only look out for you. Will you become the black sheep at work if you tell them to knock it off? Possibly. But honestly, WHO CARES?? It is not the end of the world.  If they have any level of maturity they will respect what you want. If not, take further action with the management, or quit and find another job. This is really not worth getting all worked up about.
You can sit there and get all steamed up inside while they do what they please to you, but until you act on your behalf nothing is going to change.
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