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honestly, i don't think you have a chance now. i only read the first post, so i don't know how much more detail you've gone into it, but from just the OP, it looks like she doesn't even know who you are. if you try talking to her, she might think to herself "hey that's the guy that i don't know that sent me a friend request on facebook, he's kinda creepy"
if i was a girl and i didn't think you were super hot or something, i'd probably think that
How could you know you want her to be your girlfriend without ever speaking to her? I mean, I'm sure theres a physical attraction, but what if she sucks as a person. In addition, I'm gonna assume that your a virgin... before you end up with any girl you really like you should hook up with some chicks you dont care so much about first so things dont get embarrassing if things do work out with this girl you like.
no not physical attraction... she's so simple and pureHow could you know you want her to be your girlfriend without ever speaking to her? I mean, I'm sure theres a physical attraction, but what if she sucks as a person. In addition, I'm gonna assume that your a virgin... before you end up with any girl you really like you should hook up with some chicks you dont care so much about first so things dont get embarrassing if things do work out with this girl you like.
dude, I hate to be a buzzkill, but you dont love her. You couldnt be, you've never actually spoken to her. I hate to sound cliche, but you're in love with the idea of her it seems like. But that shouldnt stop you from trying to get her in the sack, so best of luck
again i will come to the rescue, for those of you who have taken my girl advice in the past you can attest it is a little unconventional but it works! So what you have to do is on the last day of your class, stand up, yell "i'm mother (use a swear word if you know what i mean) phoenix serpent and im the best ever, and i'll see you guys later!!!" trust me, it plants the seed for later. As much as i would like to take credit for the genius line, i cant, a buddy of mine used it was back at the end of his 2nd year in uni in some class. The girl saw him a couple weeks later at a bar and asked him what he was thinking and why would he do that, he came up with some lame excuse but it got the ball rolling and he dated her for a while. UnknownmuncherYou know, thats just crazy enough, it might actually work!
I like a girl. This is the first time i have, and if she accepts me, she'll be my first girlfriend. I am 22 by the way. Simple: How do i get her to notice me? I sent her a friend request on Facebook but she just ignored it. We have a class together (sort of a seminar, save Earth :p ) Two days before the class finishes. I have 2 days. Any ideas, girls? How do you like a boy and what do you think should i do? She has friends there and mine too, so it won't be a wise idea to do anything stupid that's for sure. Jot down your ideas, please.
There's some really good advice in here, and some REALLY terrible ones. As a girl, I'll tell you everything that has ever worked on me and my friends.
First of all, don't apologize for adding her on Facebook. It would be an INCREDIBLY awkward way to introduce yourself, just short of "how come you won't add me". Not everyone is on Facebook everyday. I have friends I'll send messages to and they'll receive them 3 weeks later because they just didn't check it. If she IS ignoring you, she may not be connecting the face to the name, or she's waiting to find out more about you before accepting. I've gotten requests out of the blue that I'll sit on to see if I actually know this person.
There's just too many "what-ifs" to read anything into this. So whoever said it's a clue she's not into you, just ignore them. I actually met a guy by talking to him via IM that I found on his Facebook and we almost got into a fight within 5 minutes of chatting. I met him in person afterwards (he didn't know who I was but we lived in the same building) and we were best friends for the rest of the year. Just drop the Facebook subject altogether, it'll only make it worse.
The guy that said confidence is attractive completely wins this. Just TALK to her. Especially if she is shy, we like it when guys just make a joke or drop a compliment, even if we aren't sitting there scoping you out, wishing you'd say something. You don't have to force a painful conversation, but you can just say a few things and see how they float with her. It is the NUMBER ONE way you can get noticed. The only way this can backfire is if she's taken, or you two just don't have that much in common. If a fratboy came up to me and said something that sounded completely fratboyish, I'd probably just smile, nod, and remember to sit somewhere else next time.
Look for things she's wearing or carrying that might start a good conversation. I wore a Sealab 2012 pin on my backpack in high school, a few boys started conversations with me about it. If she's wearing a concert tee, or get the idea.
If you only have 3 days left of the class, make sure you ask for her phone number, AIM, something to keep in contact with her. If you know her friends, it might be less painful to just ask where and when they hang out with her, and if you could go, too.
Close to confidence is smell. I know it sounds weird, but even ugly guys can become attractive if they smell good. Don't load up on cologne, just make sure you're wearing a deodorant or just a splash of cologne that smells CLEAN. It's an incredibly sensual experience to smell someone clean, and a ton of girls agree with me on this. It's like coming into a house that smells like cookies, except ten times sexier.
I wouldn't talk to her friends to find out if she thinks your cute or anything, though. I had class with this guy who knew one of my friends, and she came up to me everyday for 5 months to tell me he was talking about how beautiful I was or how he wanted to talk to me so bad in their class. Considering the guy NEVER SAID A WORD to me for those 5 months, it got old and creepy. There's a line between being creepy and really liking someone. Talking to her and reading if she's welcome to you will deter her from being creeped out.
Just don't be too scared to take initiative. If you do manage to her ask on a date, don't make it really personal or romantic. Make it short, during the daytime or early evening, like organizing a softball game or a movie night or something with a couple of your friends (especially if you have mutual friends) and then inviting her to come. Going to a movie alone with you might freak her out if she doesn't know you well enough.
Good luck :)
^ agreed. your confusing "being horny" and "love"..dude, I hate to be a buzzkill, but you dont love her. You couldnt be, you've never actually spoken to her. I hate to sound cliche, but you're in love with the idea of her it seems like. But that shouldnt stop you from trying to get her in the sack, so best of luck
With 48 hours left on the clock and nothing but a pending friend request, you might as well start looking elsewhere. Sorry, but if you haven't really made an impression yet you'll either really have to lay it on the line with her or you won't get to date her. Ever.
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