Option A. you and your girl transfer school or get the guy legally conviceted of sexual harrasment and a restraining order.
Option B: Get some steroids, a workout plan, hit the weights hard for a month, after that you should have gained a lot of muscle and strength. Then after that, get a small blunt weapon; like a baton/asp to hide on your back or something, a couple hired tough guys from the local gym; tell them your situation and they may help and/or offer $. Now, Take some aspirin to numb yourself a lil, some steroids, then roll up on that fool and challenge him 1 on 1, if he accepts whoop his ass, if not, take the baton or w/e out and start swinging when they assault you first. You should be able to take on atleast 5 street thugs this way and with the extra guys you can get, then even more. What i would do, cept i already have homies that would help.
In adition to option B: There are a certain pair of brassknucles that have a very strong electric shock; (blast knucles) you should be able to take on many guys with this if you can atleast make contact.
I Recommend option A though.
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