So, I told my best friend that I liked her, but she said that she doesnt feel the same way blahblahblah.
I went round her house the other day with another friend of ours, rosie. It was a good day until we went on msn. She was tarting herself up to go on a guy on webcam :/ It really really annoyed and upset me, so I went home. She knows her I feel about her, but there she was, right infront of me, tarting herself up for him.
Then I got drunk and texted her, telling how I was annoyed at her. We had a long conversation (by text) about the whole situation, and now it's sorted...ish. One of her close friends said to her how it's bad that she flirts with me when she has no intention of going out with me (she sits on my lap and links arms with me and stuff) but apparantly it's because 'she feels so comfortable around me, cos we've been friends for so long.' So now I feel bad, and I feel like I've damaged our friendship, and I don't want her to stop being comfortable around me. I wish I just didn't say anything... ;/
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