Oh jeez. Not another one of these. Ok, just to clear a few things up...
...it is physically impossible to prove something supernatural DOESN'T exist. It just cannot be done. Ever. How do you prove a god doesn't exist? By NOT finding it? Can you not see that that makes ZERO sense?
Seriously, I wish the theists would stop plugging this ridiculous line; it's a logical fallacy that needs to be laid to rest. It is simply NOT a valid rebuttal.
Please, please, please...if one thing is to change around here, when someone asks you to prove your religion, stop just shifting the burden of proof like that. That is NOT how proving something works. You have to prove the positive assertion, not disprove its negative counterpart.
Not being able to prove something doesn't exist is not evidence that it does exist, not in the absolute slightest for the reason given above. If you want to play that plainly ridiculous game, then why don't you theists disprove Krishna, or Zeus, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster? Oh wait, you can't. So why don't you believe in them as well, huh?
And the end of the day, NO religion can EVER be said to be "the truth" on this very simple basis. They are all POSSIBILITIES at the very best and, no matter which one you have chosen -- or been told to choose -- they are all just as likely AND unlikely as each other. No matter how much you believe; no matter how much "faith" you have.
That's right...Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam and all the rest...they're all on the same footing so far as credibility is concerned. Like it or lump it, that the cold, harsh reality of the situation.
If I could draw your attention back to this post I made, would you mind commenting on it please? It has received too little attention thus far.
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