I don't get the assertation that Mike Huckabee is somehow a moderate. Mr. fair tax, religious extremist, Mike Huckabee is, for some reason, pointed to as a solution to the nutty Republicans out there when, as far as I can tell, he's nuttier than most of them. Hell, I'd rather vote for Mitt Romeny than Mike Huckabee if given the choice only between the two.
Be his political views as they may, I remain of the opinion that Mike Huckabee is quite possibly the most fundamentally decent person in all of politics today, and I have a healthy respect for him just for that.
What does that mean, fundamentally decent? All I know is his stance on issues and the statements he has made, which include calling out homosexuality as morally wrong, saying he doesn't support women serving in the military, supporting the teaching of evolution in schools, and the aforementioned fair tax system, which I think is one of the worst ideas for tax reform perhaps ever.
I disagree strongly with most of what Mike Huckabee supports, but I'd have to agree (with GabuEx). After listening to him talk, I feel that he is a humble and reasonably level-headed person, which is unusual in the world of politics. In particular, the Republican primaries really proved this to me; at one point the question was "who would Ronald Reagan support were he alive?" McCain and Romney blathered on about how Reagan would pick them for all their conservative values and whatever other arrogant, rhetorical BS. Mike Huckabee on the other hand thought it was silly to speak on behalf of a dead person.
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