I saw this year's Godzilla today. It was decent. The parts without Godzilla were alright overall. Seeing actual atomic weapons test footage was intense. The acting was good.
In anticipation of seeing Godzilla in full view and in action for quite some time, I was nearly at the edge of my seat, but that does not occur until near the end and by that point, almost the entire battle was partially obscured by a dust cloud. However, the director played that as a strength of the film when he was powering the iconic atomic breath attack. At first, I could only see Godzilla's tail and then the rest of his spine illuminated, and I could see most of his body. It is probably my second favorite moment in the film. My favorite one was when Godzilla finally arose after the battle. If those parasite monsters had killed him, I would have been disappointed.
Godzilla looks meaner than ever before and that roar was awesome.
I hope for a sequel with Godzilla not covered by a dust cloud for too long like this one.
For those who saw it:
Was it enjoyable for you (Hopefully the only people reading this thread have seen it since I would rather not spoil a film for anyone)?
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