give me a not even going to be polite here,Naruto,Bleach...etc are pure BS with all the endless power ups,fillers and predictable story and characters developmentsGazaAli
Your generalization is so off, but i'll just talk about the big 3 shounen right now.
Bleach and Naruto are NOT predictable in terms of story in anyway. There are so many random WTF moments that come out of nowhere, i'm not saying this is a good thing but nonetheless they are not predictable. One Piece also isn't predictable unless you pay attention to every singe little detail since the start of the series. There is no random unexplained and unforeshadowed moment in one piece, but you don't expect them either because the hints prior to these moments are extremely subtle.
Character development in naruto and bleach are predictable with the exception of a select few characters, but that's no reason to generalize the entire shounen category with "predictable character development". Shounens such as One Piece and FMA are hardly predictable in character development.
Lastly the "endless" powerups. The protagonist of Naruto barely has any powerups, and the protagonists of one piece have only had 1-2 powerups, this is hardly "endless". Bleach has tons of it though but again that's no reason to paint a generalization on other shounen series especially with such a broad brush.
Try watching a good amount of these shounen series and maybe you'll actually come to like some of them instead of generalizing because that leads to nowhere and only denies you an opportunity. Also the best and most successful anime/manga series ever happens to be a shounen fyi, and it won't be matched for a long time.
Now on topic, I'll recommend:
One Piece (if you follow naruto/bleach then this is a must watch, and the best series of all time imo)
FMA (same as above)
Cowboy Bebop
Code Geass (If you liked Deathnote you'll definitely like this)
Dragonball (stop after cell saga because the series goes downhill after that)
TTGL (very fun series, just don't take it seriously)
Blood: The Last Vampire
I'd recommend more but I'm not sure how you feel about other genres.
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