OK, lets clear something up. Atheism is NOT a religion, it is simply the lack of belief in a supernatural God. Saying that all atheists are responsible for what one atheist does is **** I don't recall reading an atheist "bible" that tells us to kill all theists or to stone homosexuals or to not have sex because God will be displeased. In fact, atheists do not have a "book". Saying that the reason Stalin killed millions is due to the fact that he did not believe in a supernatural God is stupid, you can't make that assumption. When he imprisoned and murdered those millions he did so because they challenged HIM, the absolute authority!
Now look at theism, how many Muslims have exploded themselves in supermarkets or in buses in the name of their god Allah? Plenty! How many people died during the Inquisition? Why did these people die? Because they challenged the Bible or were accused of being witches.
Some people may say "well Stalin killed people AND was an atheist". To that I say so what? I don't hold theists of any religion responsible for the acts of other theists who commit terrible acts of violence, I hold the religion itself responsible. Atheism is not a religion however, the only thing you can criticize an atheist for is his disbelief in a god. You can't blame atheism for crimes of atheists because atheism is not an organized religion, an atheist has free will like any other person and what he does with his free will is entirely up to him.
Now you may ask, but what about "the Atheist experience" or the "rational response squad", aren't they organized atheists? I say: Yes they are however if they were to murder a family, atheism isn't to blame! The burden falls on the individuals themselves for being sick bastards.
So, basically, a sick bastard that's an atheist is a sick bastard regardless of atheism; a theistic sick bastard is so because of his theism.
Something doesn't add up here. You also contradict yourself again and again: one minute you say the individual is responsible but then you imply several times that the entire group is responsible since the religion is organised.
As for the Inquisitions: more people die in a Texas prison every year than the entire Inquisition period.
Sorry if I sound incoherent, I try to be clear while typing in English. Anyway, a quote to explain what I was trying to explain.
I don't mean to say that all theist are responsible for one theists act. What I am trying to say in a very concise way is that...
A sick bastard will kill someone because he is sick, but for a normal individual to kill someone it takes a powerful ideology. In this case religion (but it could also be a political ideology or w/e). For example, a Muslim suicide bomber is not necessarily a sick bastard, he is probably very normal but convinced that he is doing a great favor for his god and will be greatly rewarded for killing his gods enemies (who are always demonized).
So why is Islam to blame for the Muslim's belief that he is doing God a favor, rather than the Muslim, who can easily be a Muslim and yet not kill anybody?
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