The ONLY reason why people want to ban firearms is because they are naive and have no knowledge or experience with them. They view the gun as being "evil" when all it really is is just an object. Can it do harm? yes it can, but guess what so can alot of other objects too such as kitchen knives, alcohol (although technically not an object but still), cars etc...
The gun control argument is based more on emotion rather than logicand a refusal to take responsiblity and deal with the real issue. By blaming the gun you might aswell also blame movies, viloent video games for "corruptiong the youth", the bible, alchohol, music etc...IT DOESEN'T STOP, and banning ANYTHING just makes it worse. By banning firearms all your doing is taking the guns out of peacful law-abiding citizens and just creating an even bigger black market for criminals. You see children.... criminals (you know the bad guys that kill people) will ALWAYS have access to fire arms NO MATTER WHAT, and guess what, the people that committhe crime are CRIMINALS!
Ask yourself this gun control people, if someone gave YOU a gun would you suddenly rob a bank with it? Would you start a shooting spree? Would the gun "make" you commit acts of violence? No you say, well why not? Because your a good person who has good values and the gun is just an object.
I encourage ANYONE who wants to institute a national gun ban to ACTUALLY talk to someone who has firearms and ask to go to the gun range. I have several firearms and I know how to store them safely as well as operate them, and the majority of civilain owned handguns are NOT used in crimes but instead to stop and protect themselves and loved ones from criminals.
If somebody said they wanted to ban video games what would you say to them? To be a parent and don't let your kids play them but don't take away my right to. When Fox News said Mass Effect was an interactive pornographic simulator what was your response? That they never even played it and have no knowledge of video games at all and they're just looking for a scapegoat for society's problems.
That's all gun control really is about, a SCAPEGOAT. The ONLY gun control we do need is to keep criminals away from them and make sure people with mental instabilities are not allowed to own them either, everyone else is A-OK.
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