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Me and my cousin each dropped one hit of it together one day. It was somewhat weak dose stuff i think but we definitely got quite high just not totally bonkers high which turned out to be a blessing.
Heres my story. It happened when I was 17 and he was 16. At first we thought it wasn't doing anything but then an hour and a half in or so the carpet started to roll in fluid motion and it looked alot like the bottom of a sandy ocean floor. We were watching cartoons, everything was a bit of blur a little bit of color tracing going on also and we were having a jolly good time just laughing about things we noticed on tv. All that was about to change though because i thought my mom was leaving town for the weekend, but she comes home while were tripping in my basement saying she cancelled her plans and was staying home instead! It totally ruined the experience, it became the definition of a bad trip at that point. Soon she realized we were totally fried probably because we were laughing loudly and talking about how it wasn't a big deal, that we're still pretty sane and we were comparing it to mushrooms saying it didn't feel as intense as that. So we laughed about that for a good 20 minutes i would suspect. At some point she came down again (i had forgotten she came home at all by that point) and she began yelling and I had mental flashes of an evil force of something. Like a chinese dragon head at a festival saying demonic phrases very quickly. I tried to push her out of the room and that made it worse, then she called up my grandparents and told us we had to stay with them for the night (i have no idea why) and they knew were tripping so it became a paranoid and very odd experience at that point. It took about 8 hours to get back to a relative state of normalcy all in all.
Im quite glad i had a bad experience with it because it deterred me from doing it again. I learned my lesson and its not good for your brain cells. And bad stuff happens. My cousin said the first trip wasn't that bad for him, so after the experience he did it a few more times which were mostly good or excellent from what he told me, but then he had a very very very bad experience on it, and he hasn't done it since. He was drunk and dropped 2 tabs while his mom was home, they got in an argument while he was tripping and he ended up stripping naked and sitting outside his townhouse on the front porch. Cops were called by his mom, he was tackled by like 5 cops and given sedatives and taken to the hostipal to monitor his mental state until he came down from the trip. The stuff is just too unpredictable, its best to avoid it but I know people have had some amazing experiences on the stuff.
Tried it. Not supposed to talk about this stuff in OT by the way this might get locked.
The cid I took was strong. It was dark out and raining which didn't make my trip too memorable. It was also way too cold out. So i was stuck inside some kids basement for about 9 hours and than had to go to class still tripping. Not fun. First cid trip was terrible.
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