Six figure college loan debt. Do they assume everybody goes to a private school for 6 years and has absolulty no money saved up prior?
State school in Wiconsin will run you 50k for 5 years, max. If you're smart you'll end up owing half of that.
Less if you start a one of the 2-year schools.
Very true. Also it's smart to save money prior to going to school and to work while you're in school. You can cut the cost of school down by over half if you do that.
What always annoyed me are the people who believed school was more important than working a small job on the side. They piled up huge debts all because they refused to work for 10-15 hours extra a week.
Even making $50 a week can cut down on the loans you need to take. Also working every summer helps quite a bit. Living costs are half of college costs, sometimes more if you're in a very expensive place to live.
I completely agree. Many student don't realize how many opportunities to make money there are on campus, like being a tutor, working food service, or being a note-taker.
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