I know it's not really any of my business, but it's getting kinda annoying with all the guys and girls on my Facebook showing off that they're in a relationship with the kissing photos and the ''luv u 4ever'' usernames. :P Honestly I haven't ever seen a highschool relationship lasting more than a year. I think it's a bit childish that kids ''go out'' with each other at such a young age...
Most teenagers still need their parents to take care of them, I think a ''relationship'' is still too big of a responsibility for kids. It ends up being some immature situation 90% of time time, and teenage couples break up for some reason and someone cries about it like it's the biggest thing in the world.
I find highschool ''crushes'' to be a bit silly in some cases, especially because some kids just go out with each other because it makes them feel cool. Do you agree? Have you ever seen a highschool or young relationship actually last?
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