anyone find it ironic that this is the story getting press when today the funeral was held for Shahbaz bhatti.
and yes this is hot on the heels of an earlier assassination.
"moderate" pakistani scholars had this to say.
"A group of 500 moderate Pakistani religious scholars have warned that anyone who expresses grief over the assassination could suffer the same fate, saying that those who oppose the blasphemy law should learn a lesson from Taseer's death."
OT is all oh noes bigots has hurt someones feelings! :shock:
LMAO. Many Pakistanis have deveated from the true teaching from Islam including these so called scholars. The concept of balsphemy is a foreign concept. Because in the Quran it states, "There can be no compulstion in religion". Even wonder why Pakistan has so many issues? Well, here's a hint, the leadership in that country has perveted the religion and added new inventions to the religion. The fact you are using this example as a true face of Islam has fail written all over it. That's like me showing the people of the Westborough Baptist church as true christians, they are neither just like these Muslim.You are doing the same thing that you are criticizing other people of doing. Talk about hypocrisy.
The fact that you referred to Pakistan's president who is a corrupt, criminal thug, as a valid source of Islamic guidance has epic fail written all over it.
:lol: go preach that on a street corner in Ramallah or Islamabad and see how long you live.:| There is obviously a difference in Islamic followers just as there is of any followers in any religion.. Take a look at Turkey for starters rampent Islamic extremism is pretty nil.. Its a secular nation to boot.. Same goes for Egypt mainly.. I really think we are splitting hairs here, all religions have extermists and all extremists need to be combated if they preach intolerance, violence and other such things.
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