After a few hundred years of medicine, technological advances, and advocates for civil rights for the handicapped and mentally ill/challenged/etc. do you think that the human race is becoming weaker? Damaging the earth more than necessary for human society? Preventing exponential progress technologically or within society?
I feel as if things are much more complicated than they need to be. With all emotion aside, if the weak died, would it be so wrong? Everywhere in nature, those who can't will fall by the wayside. Only in humankind do we do everything we can to make the weak survive. It doesn't make things better. They will almost always remain weak and survivally (made up word, I think) inferior. Doesn't it seem like filling a bottomless pit?
It's like the old saying, "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he can eat every day." (or something along those lines)
It seems like we've become over-populated, over-extended, and overly taxing on the environment unnecesarily.
A lot of people would think it brutal to let the weak fend for themselves and/or die off, but why is it brutal? That's how nature is intended. That's how everything strives. Even though we're not doing it so much in a primitive sense anymore, we still focus on competition, survivability, resources, and what-not. We just use more of our brains and technological advances and social constructs to "survive."
Do you think the world would be able to balance again if we just said, "Those who can, will. Those who can't, won't?"
Do you think it's unfair? Do you think it's a necessity to keep others alive when they can't do it themselves?
Let's have a discussion.
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