I've been in 12 car accidents in two years. Heres just a few.
I rearended an old lady at trafic light with no damage.
I hit a coca cola truck while makeing a left hand turn. I only had minor bumper damage.
I read ended some dude in a mustang causing minor damage.
I rearended somelady with a car full of kids. I totaled the car.
I ran a red light and got t-bone by some lady going 50 mph. She wasnt wearing her seatbelt and broke her windshield with her face. I got sued for $40,000. I was driving on a suspended liscens and I was high on pot. I did no jail time but was fined $800. The lady that hit me had pot in her system too.
I was driving on the freeway going 70 mph and fell asleep at the wheel. When I woke up I was going off the road so I yanked the wheel and started fish tailing. I whiped out and 70 mph and did two 360's on dry pavement. luckly I walked away from this one.
I have more but these are just a few.
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