There is no reason to be afraid of rejection because it happens to almost everyone, even to men who look like Brad Pit. There are many reasons why a woman is not interested and most of these reasons are about her, not about you.
- She might be married
- She might be in a bad mood
- She might be a lesbian (not all that bad,
- She might be offended
- She might be emotionally unstable
- She might have misheard what you said
- She might have gotten nervous
- She might have thought you were ugly
Another thing to remember is that women don't choose to feel attraction to a man because attraction is not a choice. Women are programmed to seek out dominant men. Dominant men offer survival value, which is good for the survival of the woman and her offspring. This increases the chances of her genes being passed on to the next generation.
That is why alpha characteristics such as confidence, leadership, humor, charisma, and social skills are bigger factors of attraction than physical appearance.
David DeAngelo says that out of a random sample of 100 beautiful women, you'd probably find that only 20 of them (or so) are:
- Single
- Emotionally Stable
- Able to carry on an interesting conversation
- Not stuck up
- Not psycho
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