Because I have when I was younger. Not so much recently.
We all go through it.
Humans are social animals, though, so it's natural to experience peer pressure both as the person experiencing it and the person applying it.
The one nice thing about getting older is you start to care less and become less susceptible to it.
Lots when I was in school. Now it's not so much pressure but people seeking validation for their point of view as if they need permission from others to continue doing things that on some level they maybe think is at least questionable.
Yes, when I was in high school. A lot of my friends smoked weed, but since I didn't want to try that, I smoked cigarettes instead. I wanted to fit in -- that's why I did it. There was also temptation to lose my virginity, but I didn't do that either, mostly because I would never be able to convince a girl to have sex with me. I'm a straight edge now; I don't smoke, drink or have casual sex.
When I was in highschool and college.
Mostly to drink alcohol. I never really liked the taste or the way it made my stomach feel.
At the time I would drink to make my group of friends happy. Some people seem to feel they can't enjoy themselves around sober people.
I decided to stop in my late 20s. I just don't enjoy it. I just set up my time with other people a bit earlier so that drinking doesn't feel like it's a part of it.
Peer pressure no, but I had my fair share of fun times and learning experiences either way. I might have been a bad influence in my mid to later teenage years, but I changed a lot, and I'm about as laid back as they get these days, and I'm just fine with that.
@dracula_16: "There was also temptation to lose my virginity, but I didn't do that either, mostly because I would never be able to convince a girl to have sex with me."
Why not? Were you a really ugly guy or something?
@dracula_16: "There was also temptation to lose my virginity, but I didn't do that either, mostly because I would never be able to convince a girl to have sex with me."
Why not? Were you a really ugly guy or something?
No, it's not because of how I look. I just have bad social skills. I can't have good conversations because I always get really nervous. On top of that, most of the girls that I had crushes on put in the "friend zone".
@dracula_16: I had a friend who was giving me signals she wanted me. Though when finally asking her out on a date, she was already seeing someone and heavily involved with him. Wasn't friends with her just an acquaintance. Also had anxiety when around girls in my 20's so made things awkward.
@dracula_16: You put yourself in the friendzone because you probably didn't make your intentions known to those girls.
Yes! Online peer pressure is everywhere. It's big business. I generally avoid deliberately manipulative sources when I recognise them and frequently remind myself that e.g. social media posts purporting to be from peers might well be by bots, trolls or undisclosed organisations. It's sad, but it's safest not to assume anything you read online should be taken at face value.
I don't know how susceptible I am. It's hard to say.
I use to put gel in my hair.
I once shot a friend with BB gun and he spat in it as revenge.
Technically he still got it worse so I won, ultimately.
@uninspiredcup: Bastard. There's nothing worse than spit in an air rifle. Sounds like preemptive justice to me.
Lol, I used to do the hair gel thing. Slathered huge dollops onto my scalp and slicked that blonde hair back reeeal nice. xD
I don't know why there's a stage in every boy's life when he develops the irresistible urge to look like a total creep.
@sancho_panzer: Use to think I looked heckin' cool. Brother said looked like a ****, but disagreed with the assessment.
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