Did he give an attitude or was he ok. I've gotten pulled over a couple times, the only tickets I've gotten were for holding my damn cellphone and having no N sticker on the back of my car and they put me on probation because of that are u serious?
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You broke the law twice, so it's not hard to believe they put you on probation. You actually got lucky that you didn't lose it.Did he give an attitude or was he ok. I've gotten pulled over a couple times, the only tickets I've gotten were for holding my damn cellphone and having no N sticker on the back of my car and they put me on probation because of that are u serious?
Twice. Once when I first passed my test because I didn't dip my lights when I passed them and again about a year ago for not wearing my seatbelt :roll:
Both times the policemen were condescending wankers and I despised every moment of each interaction. Only got warnings though.
i've never been pulled over, but i have had a few cop encounters. fortunately for me, they haven't been douches and seemed to only be doing their job, and nothing more (they weren't being douches about it).
Yes, twice.
The first time was when I was driving to New York. I was somewhere in Virginia, and just hopped back on to the interstate. I was eating breakfast while driving (it was 8:30, I believe). I drove right past a cop who was hidden in a huge ditch. I immediately attempted to slow down, but no luck. He pulled me over, wasn't very forgiving, and gave me a $250 ticket for going 81 in a 65 zone. To top it all off, when I got pulled over, I noticed some douche in the lane next to me laughing.
The second time was just bad luck. Apparently my car's plates had been expired for six months. In the course of those six months, I had gone on fairly lengthy road trips (ranging anywhere from 3-12 hours). So the following day I decided to drive to get my plates renewed, and I notice a cop driving right behind me. Just my luck, he pulls me over. I explained to him the whole situation, how I was literally driving to get my plates renewed, but he didn't buy it. $150 ticket.
I've received a couple of tickets for speeding just a few miles over the speed limit due to a speed trap and a power tripping highway patrolman dragging his but purposefully on a nigh empty freeway who then desperately attempted to find something wrong with my car to pad out the ticket but to no avail. I got pulled over a couple more times for a single light out fix it ticket and then a very strange and very young cop who after realizing I was a very sober non-drinker attempting to drive a bunch of very drunk people home from a party, instead of letting me go on my way because...isn't this what they WANT to happen?...he proceeded to poke and prod to no avail attempting to find something amiss in my car I suppose in order to justify his time.
Just recently I got pulled over at the mall whilst riding my bicycle. As they were checking my ID I finally had to ask why they pulled me over and they stated there were some robberies from cars in the mall area involving bicycles and they were just doing a spot check. But then he had to add on that for a few feet I was riding on the sidewalk at which point I had to inform him that doing so in entirely within the law in Los Angeles and then he kind of attempted to lie his way through his either ignorance of this or being caught in a complete lie...which was funny.
I have once, and it was strange.
It was a cold, dark night in September; the kind of night that beckons the scum of the streets to crawl out from under the gutters and spill into the common man's property. I was driving along one said street, doing so at a more brisk pace than usual to avoid any unwanted confrontations with the degenerates of the darkness...only to be pulled over by one of such wearing a disguise. The man, donning the mark of a protector of citizens, turned his siren on, ordering me to pull to the side of the road. I knew that pulling over in such a shady area would no doubt lead to my injury or worse...demise. However, I convinced myself to comply as to avoid an undoubtedly dangerous chase with an officer.
I rolled down my window, awaiting the officer to walk toward my vehicle and ask for all the relevant identification but something was wrong; he wasn't there. I sat there in a cold sweat, waiting for someone, anyone to be just outside my car window, but that time looked like it wouldn't come. Just as I shook the chills from my person, I lifted my foot, a ten-ton weight at the time, and started to slowly press on the gas pedal.
I heard the click of a gun being readied and the shine of a flashlight blind my peripheral vision. It was the police officer, armed and alerted to my choice to leave.
"Wh-what seems to be the trouble, officer," I shakily inquired. I was almost certain that I had wet myself.
"Sir, step out of the car," the officer sternly said.
I stepped out of the vehicle as he asked, struggling to stand up out of sheer terror.
"Now sir..." he said.
"Drop your pants."
To this day, I'm unsure of what happened after that. All I felt was a thud on the back of my head, followed by a strange soreness in my lower regions after I came to...and the officer was gone.
Been pulled over a total of four times for speeding, once for not having my lights on (it was in the middle of a brightly lit city; sue me), and once for running a red light (wasn't red when I gunned it). Anyway, every time the cop is usually trying to be a smartass and crack some joke. I try to feign a laugh. The last guy that gave me a ticket was pleasant though. Just doing his job.
Yes, I've gotten pulled over a few times. Always act nice to the cop and sometimes they let you off.
i have,many times,in iran you get puuled over by cop if:
-you have a girl sitting shotgun.
-you don't look like a basiji or basically if you're young.
-you have music being played slightly loud.
-or just randomly and without any reason you get pulled over and you get your car searched for drugs or beverages.
I got a ticket for speeding, and one cause car wasn't registered (my mom forgot). other than that he was just doing his job looking for seatbelts, drinking and driving etc. It's a hard job, there is no one here who never had a little attitude at their job in the past so I can't blame them.
I have been pulled over several times over the years. I got 2 speeding tickets, one in Newport News and the other in Hampton VA. I got pulled over not far from where I live while on my way to work (on a Sunday morning no less) with out of state plates in GA and again, not long after that a couple of miles from where I was pulled over for that.
I also just pulled over when I realized I ran a red light right in front of a cop. He let me go without a ticket as he knew that I knew that I ran the light.
Once in seven years, for going about 120 mph in a 55 mph zone. Had to go in the back seat of his Charger and everything. Wasn't mean about it though, probably because he realized that I realized just how f***ed I was.
yes, i was doing 40 mph on a 25 mph zone (and the street was so wide it could've been at least a 30 mph zone), and i was like 2 blocks away from my house, i was so angry cause i was so close to home
I've been pulled over quite a few times, but only once in the past 2 years. I can honestly say that the police had no good reason to pull me over in at least half of those instances. I've earned a few, don't get me wrong. However, I have a very bad taste in my mouth about cops due to the illegitimate traffic stops and tickets that I've gotten. I was able to get out of a couple of them by writing very well-worded (and truthful) letters to the district attorney. It's pretty sad when you have to do that because an officer blatantly lies and says that you were doing 55 in a 30mph zone.
There was that one time in Northern PA when I was doing 153mph in a 65 zone at 10:00pm. December 11th, 2006. I still remember the date because I was on my way to my girlfriend's house in Oneida, NY for her birthday, which was the next day. I was trying to pass someone who kept speeding up, so I dropped a gear and was doing about 80mph when I spotted the PA state police car sitting on the side of the road with his lights off. I saw him pull out onto the highway and turn his headlights on. I don't know what came over me, but I just decided that I was going to run. Maybe 10 seconds later I looked in my rearview and could see him trying to catch up, but his pursuit lights weren't on. I was probably doing 125-130 at that point. I had my car very close to top speed by the time that I looked in my rearview mirror again, and the cop was nowhere to be seen. I exited the highway and pulled my car in behind a convenience store/gas station that partially obscured my view of the highway, and vice-versa. A minute or 2 later, I saw the patrol car creeping down the offramp. He very slowly pulled into the gas station, and then behind me to block me in. I got a ticket for 84 in a 65 because I pointed out to the officer that he had failed to turn on his pursuit lights while chasing me. He admitted that his car topped out at 135 and he was losing ground fast, and wasn't able to radar me anywhere near top speed. It was a very thrilling experience, but a very stupid move on my part. I was very fortunate that night.. Probably one of the few people who have actually run from a cop, done 88mph over the speed limit, been ticketed, and driven away in my own car without police escort. The screwed-up part about that night is that I got pulled over AGAIN once I got into New York State (maybe 20 minutes from my destination) by a local cop. He actually wrote me a BS ticket (speeding), which I had thrown out by the DA. Fun times..
yup, once
went winetasting, passenger didnt have her seatbelt on. Got pulled over for that, was relieved when she said that was the cause for getting pulled over.
Then she saw the case of wine in the back and asked me if I had been drinking, pulled me out, gave me sobriety tests, then finally asked me for a breathalizer test...blew a 0.07. Too close for comfort.
This chick was out to get me, that was for damn sure. She gave me a lot of crap. I asked her "what if I refuse the breathalizer" and she didnt tell me, so I said "Well, I have reservations for dinner five minutes from now, can I go?" and she asked me to put my hands behind my back lol. Fortunately another cop, a reasonable one, showed up and was like "Hold on, you should take the breathalizer test" and I did and passed. I told them I was only driving another four blocks to the restaurant and the other cop was ok.
I think the thing I was most pissed about is A.) she assumed I was trouble (kept asking if I had knives or guns on me), and B.) she didn't inform me of the penalty for refusing a breathalizer test. In her defense I was in a pretty trashy part of the area known for meth addicts and stuff, and my car is pretty trashy and I had a case of PBR in the back too.
It was a major inconvenience, but with California so starving for cash I suppose it makes sense for the cops to take any and every opportunity to extort the people they are supposed to protect.
Going by her logic, she would have to pull over half the people coming out of the grocery store because they have booze in their car
i have,many times,in iran you get puuled over by cop if:
-you have a girl sitting shotgun.
-you don't look like a basiji or basically if you're young.
-you have music being played slightly loud.
-or just randomly and without any reason you get pulled over and you get your car searched for drugs or beverages.VaguelyTagged
wow, really? that is pretty bad. Do women have to sit in the back or something?
Yes. It was the night before my 18th birthday, i was coming home from work, i got pulled over due to "loud exhaust" but my car isn't even that loud.
It amazes me that any car could get a loud exhaust ticket when many Harley motorcycles are FAR louder than any car I've heard on the street. I too have been pulled over a time or 2 for this offense. The last time it happened was about 2.5-3 years ago as I was driving my former car, a Dodge SRT-4. Apparently the officer wasn't aware that those cars didn't come with mufflers from the factory, and were fairly loud stock. I took great pleasure in giving him a lesson on the subject. He was a total douche from the moment that he waived (yes, waived.. not pulled) me over. I was going through a toll booth on the NYS thruway, and the guy had his patrol car parked on the shoulder (sticking out into the road) just past the booths. He was standing there signaling cars to pull over by waiving with his arm. I don't even know if I legally had to acknowledge that, but I did. He was such a loser from start to finish. At least he didn't write me the loud exhaust ticket, but he did write me one for an "unapproved sticker" on my back window. I had a VERY thin decal of the starfleet emblem on my car. You could see right through it, and the only part that was opaque was the outer border, which was less than a 1/4 of an inch thick on all sides. The cop was just looking for things to be picky about, and punishing the public with his idiocy.
This cop pulls me over cause I'm going 5 miles over the limit. Dude was wiggin out and everything and talking about how it is an "Unmeasurable threat to society" yes going 5 miles over the limit is a huge threat. I'm a safe driver too i was just in a rush!
Couple times. Cops were all cool. thank god. I got speeding (couple) and reckless driving (once). They asked me A: You know your speed? B: Whats the rush? C: I got a compliment on my driving skills--weaving in and out of lanes to pass cars on the highway. I answered promptly, clearly, and honestly with "sirs" and "no sirs". So far no ******* cops who try to get smart although i've heard some from my friends and my family.
i have,many times,in iran you get puuled over by cop if:
-you have a girl sitting shotgun.
-you don't look like a basiji or basically if you're young.
-you have music being played slightly loud.
-or just randomly and without any reason you get pulled over and you get your car searched for drugs or beverages.mrbojangles25
wow, really? that is pretty bad. Do women have to sit in the back or something?
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