I saw a group of black people get ejected from a public space (by a black person no less) because "they were over the maximum number of people" even though I'd seen public groups with far more people there many times.
One of my roomate's friends went on a drunken, n-word filled rampage about how he hates black people.
One of the people I used to eat with went on a rant in the middle of a college dining hall about how white people can be the n-word, too.
The police used to show up to every single gathering organized by a black organization on campus.
The local police covered up the murder of a non-white individual at my campus.
One of the people I used to eat with gave a Nazi salute in the middle of a college dining hall.
A customer got angry with an Indian co-worker of mine and started doing an Apu impression.
Several customers complained about one of my co-worker's head covering, with at least one that I can remember saying they didn't want to be served by her.
One customer loudly exclaimed, when I showed her where her product was, that she didn't want to go down that aisle because a black person was in it.
Someone I used to play games online with decided to start using racial slurs casually.
One of my old friends yelled out the n-word, thinking his car windows were up, when they were down and there was a young black kid nearby.
I saw the cops throw an autistic black man in a jail cell, for a registration violation that already was costing him $500 plus towing, and make him stay there until they could get a hold of one of his family members and have her drive from clear across the city during rush hour with bail, without ever consulting a mental health professional.
I was in a chat group where several people decided that casually using the n-word was a good larf.
One of my bosses openly threw out applications with names that "sounded black."
That same boss would ask my co-workers from Africa if they spoke "the click-click language."
When my aunt started dating a black man my family members would make snide and demeaning comments behind his back.
Hell, I don't know if I've ever had a family get-together without a single racist comment.
The last time I saw my grandmother she started saying something blatantly racist, I forget what exactly, but then stopped herself. Thing is, she had the biggest smile on her face, like she was actually getting pleasure from saying something horrible about black people, and was struggling to hold back from saying it the way you do when you really need to laugh but know it's inappropriate.
I won't even get into all the racist crap I've seen in these forums, I could devote an entire list to that alone.
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