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I saw like maybe five to ten minutes of it and realized that they were making various unsubstantiated claims about various religions, and there have since been many threads on these forums discussing that movie's incredibly false claims.
In fact, take The Zeitgeist Challenge.
[QUOTE="Wetall_basic"]Did you create another account just to agree with yourself?Xeros606
:lol: i can see how thats possible.
I don't know what you are talking about. I mean, you'd have to do something pretty obvious for anyone to know that84.
Oh, you mean the movie that made up sources for some of its info?Cube_of_MooNThis seems vaguely familiar...
Oh, you mean the movie that made up sources for some of its info?Cube_of_MooN
And then they make really weird connections like between the word "sun" and "son," as if original Christian doctrine was in English or something. It's too funny.
[QUOTE="Cube_of_MooN"]Oh, you mean the movie that made up sources for some of its info?SmashBrosLegendThis seems vaguely familiar...
I wonder why... ;)
[QUOTE="Cube_of_MooN"]Oh, you mean the movie that made up sources for some of its info?SpaceMoose
And then they make really weird connections like between the word "sun" and "son," as if original Christian doctrine was in English or something. It's too funny.
That's just funny.
You should watch "The PetroDollar"
It talks about how Saddam Hussein's major Weapon of Mass Destruction was when he decided to stop trading oil in Dollars and instead went with the much more profitable Euro. So from then on, America had to sell it's goods and services to the EU to get the Euros to buy the oil since the Federal Reserve couldn't print Euros out of thin air like it does with Dollars, and eventually the PetroDollar Recycling system that was implemented was beginning to breakdown. That is of course until the US Coalition and Allies went to Iraq to take over of the reserves and change the trade currency back to the Dollar.
You should watch "The PetroDollar"
It talks about how Saddam Hussein's major Weapon of Mass Destruction was when he decided to stop trading oil in Dollars and instead went with the much more profitable Euro. So from then on, America had to sell it's goods and services to the EU to get the Euros to buy the oil since the Federal Reserve couldn't print Euros out of thin air like it does with Dollars, and eventually the PetroDollar Recycling system that was implemented was beginning to breakdown. That is of course until the US Coalition and Allies went to Iraq to take over of the reserves and change the trade currency back to the Dollar.
You know, I have heard about a billion theories about why the U.S. went into Iraq, and frankly, they can't all be right.
[QUOTE="Cube_of_MooN"]Oh, you mean the movie that made up sources for some of its info?H8s2spooge
Would someone sum up the movie for me?mrbojangles25
The poster right before you pretty much hit the nail on the head:
I've never taken the time to watch it, I'd just assumed it was just a load of unfounded B.S. that would be hailed as truth by teenagers seeking a reason to oppose government.-Keel-_basic
Would someone sum up the movie for me?mrbojangles25
its a huge conspiracy movie dealing with how christianity is just an anomaly in the zodiac signs, it deals with 911 and how the government was behind it, and it deals with the federal reserve and how they are trying to take over the world by putting microchips in everyone
[QUOTE="mrbojangles25"]Would someone sum up the movie for me?linkin_guy109
its a huge conspiracy movie dealing with how christianity is just an anomaly in the zodiac signs, it deals with 911 and how the government was behind it, and it deals with the federal reserve and how they are trying to take over the world by putting microchips in everyone
Don't forget how the words "sun" and "son" were sort of interchanged with each other, because we all know that the Bible originated in English. :roll:
Don't forget to make tons of claims about various religions with nothing to back them up whatsoever.
Would someone sum up the movie for me?mrbojangles25
the gov't planned 9/11 so they could collect windfall profits from the countless ct movies which will be spawned from it! :shock:
[QUOTE="linkin_guy109"][QUOTE="mrbojangles25"]Would someone sum up the movie for me?SpaceMoose
its a huge conspiracy movie dealing with how christianity is just an anomaly in the zodiac signs, it deals with 911 and how the government was behind it, and it deals with the federal reserve and how they are trying to take over the world by putting microchips in everyone
Don't forget how the words "sun" and "son" were sort of interchanged with each other, because we all know that the Bible originated in English. :roll:
Don't forget to make tons of claims about various religions with nothing to back them up whatsoever.
haha sounds funny, almost like a mockumentary like Best in Show or Spinal Tap
[QUOTE="Truth_Seekr"]You should watch "The PetroDollar"
It talks about how Saddam Hussein's major Weapon of Mass Destruction was when he decided to stop trading oil in Dollars and instead went with the much more profitable Euro. So from then on, America had to sell it's goods and services to the EU to get the Euros to buy the oil since the Federal Reserve couldn't print Euros out of thin air like it does with Dollars, and eventually the PetroDollar Recycling system that was implemented was beginning to breakdown. That is of course until the US Coalition and Allies went to Iraq to take over of the reserves and change the trade currency back to the Dollar.
You know, I have heard about a billion theories about why the U.S. went into Iraq, and frankly, they can't all be right.
Well the added plots like Larry Silverstein profitting from insurance payout - 9/11 used to push forth PNAC - Oil interest(control - $$ it's traded in etc.) - establishing military strongholds in the middle east - passing bills/legislations that strip us of civil liberties in the name of Safety/Security - all seem very plausible when examining who it is exactly that would benefit from such an event. IMO, 9/11 was used as the event to push forth all of these motives, not just one in particular.
yes ive seen the movie. and you cant say you debunked the whole movie and its all crap just because you think you've found one fallacy in it. NaiKoN9293
One fallacy? :roll: Here, I will post this yet again.
At first, if you dont check its facts, it is very thought provoking. after doing some research, I have come to the conclusion that part 1 is extremely bogus for a few reasons.
a thorough refutation of part 1 can be found here:
a point by point rebuttal of part 1 can be read here:
basically, there are very few parallels between Jesus and other pagan myths.
about the pagan parallels, there are so many problems. 1: There is no evidence of pagan parallels that predate the new testament. 2: The Jews were very well aware of the pagan religions around the area. no 1st century Jewish rabbi would have taken christianity seriously if it were rife with parallels with pagan myths, as the movie claims. the 3rd problem is that the disciples actually believed what they were preaching, so much so that they took it to the grave with them. They would not believe that Jesus had risen from the dead just because they heard some folk tales about some dying and resurrecting Gods. the 4th and final problem is that all the supposedly dying and resurrecting Gods are represetative of the crop cycles. none of these religions were claiming that an actual historical individual had risen from the dead.
the last problem with zeitgeist I will address is Josephus' mention of Jesus. The movie claims that Josephus' passage in Antiquities "has been proven a forgery for hundreds of years". The makers of this film are at variance with the vast majority of scholarship.
THe second problem is that Josephus mentions Jesus a second time when talking about James, the brother of Jesus. However, no serious scholar actually disputes the authenticity of this passage.
one problem I will address is their claim that Bethlehem is a place in the sky. however, Josephus mentions that Bethlehem was the place where King David was annointed, thus implying that Bethlehem IS a place here on earth, not in the sky, as the movie claims.
the last problem I will address is their overuse of outdated sources. historical studies performed before 50 years ago are regarded by nearly all scholarship as wholly obsolete
incoming critical analysis
im not sure if i believe it but they did raise interesting points.......... such as the way building 7 collapsed,ferret837
what was unusual about it?
and how they didnt mention it in the 9/11 commission. The pools of molten metal under the towers days after the attack. ferret837
they were molten aluminum, not molten steel
After the pentagon was hit they removed the recordings that the security cameras had captured, and later govt officials removed all remains of the plane (or missile as they are implying) and then covered the area around the pentagon with dirt.. (im not sure if thats true though)ferret837
the last part to my knowledge isn't true. but about the recordings, the FBI confiscated those because they were being used in a criminal investigation of zacharias mussoui. To this day, all recordings have been released to the public
Also the plane that crashed on the ground (Pennsylvania i think) was completely annihilated, which is strange because usually there are atleast pieces of metal left...ferret837this is true, but it wasn't like most plane crashes. most planes crash on landing or takeoff at relatively low speeds. Flight 93 crashed head on at roughly 500 MPH into the ground. this "annihalation" is usually what happens with crashes like these.
Nope. Why? It's sources are fake and non-existent.foxhound_fox
But this movie made my someone who is either highly delusional or a pathological liar makes some interesting points!
while its "facts" were bull**** of the highest degree, I will give them that it was very entertaining to watch.
[QUOTE="Truth_Seekr"]You should watch "The PetroDollar"
It talks about how Saddam Hussein's major Weapon of Mass Destruction was when he decided to stop trading oil in Dollars and instead went with the much more profitable Euro. So from then on, America had to sell it's goods and services to the EU to get the Euros to buy the oil since the Federal Reserve couldn't print Euros out of thin air like it does with Dollars, and eventually the PetroDollar Recycling system that was implemented was beginning to breakdown. That is of course until the US Coalition and Allies went to Iraq to take over of the reserves and change the trade currency back to the Dollar.
You know, I have heard about a billion theories about why the U.S. went into Iraq, and frankly, they can't all be right.
Well the added plots like Larry Silverstein profitting from insurance payout - 9/11 used to push forth PNAC - Oil interest(control - $$ it's traded in etc.) - establishing military strongholds in the middle east - passing bills/legislations that strip us of civil liberties in the name of Safety/Security - all seem very plausible when examining who it is exactly that would benefit from such an event. IMO, 9/11 was used as the event to push forth all of these motives, not just one in particular.
incoming critical analysis[QUOTE="ferret837"]im not sure if i believe it but they did raise interesting points.......... such as the way building 7 collapsed,notconspiracy
what was unusual about it?
[QUOTE="notconspiracy"]incoming critical analysis[QUOTE="ferret837"]im not sure if i believe it but they did raise interesting points.......... such as the way building 7 collapsed,ferret837
what was unusual about it?
Its unusual in that it collapsed the same way as a building collapses with explosives, but its probably possiable it collapsed from the fire. But why wasnt it mentioned in the 9/11 comission is all im wondering notconspiracyfirst off, the fire was ****ing huge. it was an inferno. second, it was heavily damaged by debris from collapsing buildings. tower 7 wasn't designed like most buildings. it was supported by only 2 trusses, and one was damaged.
thirdly, the collapse was not like a controlled demolition for 2 reasons. 1: controlled demolition take on the order of a few seconds. tower 7 took 16 seconds to collapse if you include the penthouse. 2: There were no explosions all along the facade of the buildings like ALL other controlled demolitions
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