removing the teeth did not hurt because of the anasthetics. it was the three or four days after wheni could not eat anything solid. i tried to,the day of the surgery, eat a hamburger and drink a beer and i i did was make a mess of the shirt i was wearing. good luck on your surgery.
It's a lot less painful recovery if you have less wisdom teeth to be removed. I had 4 wisdom teeth and they actually took out a small extra tooth that I had deep in my gums lol. It took me about a week to fully recover, while my friend was eating solid food in only two days because he only had two wisdom teeth. After they knock you out, you won't know a thing until you wake up with a bloated mouth area that'll be numb for awhile. It's kinda annoying to bite down on the cotton wads to stop the bleeding, but it usually stops later that day. The pain is kinda bad the first few days, but they'll pass pretty quickly.
I have to get 3 of my wisdom teeth pulled in about a month... nervous but I heard that they get you high and you don't even know where you are. After all, I'm all for being legally high...
I had my wisdom teeth pulled on a Friday, before a race. I had it done, and all said and done. Woke up Sat morning feeling fine. Went to the quarter midget races with my bro. did that, then headed to the big track and helped on the sprint car. I ate regular food. I felt fine, happy and all that. That night we were taken out in a race got up on are side, and it pissed me off. Later on after the adreneline worn off. I was hurting, and I was hurting for a week.
so the procedure went well lol the drug did not have the same effect on me that it has on most ppl i was semi-coherent.......eitherway mushy food for a while:)
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