I am a religious person but I have had bad experiences with religion (and religious people).
When I was younger I was told that I was dumb by an Orthodox Rabbi because I was asking about the Dinosaurs, he told me "The dinosaur bones were put here to test our faith, only stupid people believe in them". Even as a kid I knew that was silly, I also have a work friend who is gay and he told me how bad a church treated him, they missed the message entirely.
It's about loving people and not condemning them, does Jesus hate gays? I don't think so, I never read anything about him suggesting it. He said to love people and tolerate them and that people's sins are forgiven, Christians that judge gays are hypocrites. Fortunately he found a church that accepts him and no one judges him there. I have also had some bad experience with some other Jews because I date non Jewish women, some Jews want me to date only Jews and give me crap for not doing it, but I don't care what they think. I will go out with any girl I want.
However despite the bad that some religious people do, I know that isn't what God wants. God is with me always, He is with all of us, and His love guides me to do what is right. People can get the religion wrong or miss the message, but with God I know the truth.
But OT will just attack me for saying this so I'm out. This isn't a very good community for religious people.
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